
Spiritual Questions I was Asked on a Survey

Spiritual questions I was asked on an Ibope Zogby survey.

How often do you wonder: "If I were to die today, do I know for sure that I would go to heaven?" Select one.
Not sure

How often do you wonder: "How can I find more meaning and purpose in my life?" Select one.
Not sure

Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.
Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Not sure

There is more to life than the physical world and society.

There is an ultimate purpose and plan for every person's life.

A major priority in my life is finding my deeper purpose.

It is important that I pursue a higher purpose and meaning for my life.

I think often about what I must do to experience peace in the afterlife.

For each of the following denominations or faith groups please indicate if your impression is very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, very unfavorable, or you are not familiar enough to form an opinion.
Very favorable Somewhat favorable Somewhat unfavorable Very unfavorable Not familiar

Latter Day Saints (Mormons)
Southern Baptists
Catholic Church
United Methodists

For the following questions, please tell us if you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree.
Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Not sure

When I see the name Catholic in the name of a church, I assume it is not for me?
When I see the name Methodist in the name of a church, I assume it is not for me?
When I see the name Baptist in the name of a church, I assume it is not for me?
When I see the name Southern Baptist in the name of a church, I assume it is not for me?
When I see that a church is a community or non-denominational church, I assume it is not for me?

If you were considering visiting or joining a church, would knowing that the church was Southern Baptist impact your decision positively, negatively or have no impact?
It would positively impact it
It would negatively impact it
It would have no impact
Not sure

Why would knowing the church was Southern Baptist impact, or not impact your decision to visit or join a church?


If you were considering visiting or joining a church, would knowing that the church taught that homosexual behavior was sinful impact your decision positively or negatively or have no impact?
It would positively impact it
It would negatively impact it
It would have no impact
Not sure

Do you believe homosexual behavior is a sin?
Not sure

When a candidate running for office regularly expresses religious conviction or activity, how does that impact your vote?
More likely to vote for the candidate
Less likely to vote for the candidate
No impact on choice of candidate
Depends on the religion
Not sure

There are many beliefs about life after death. Which of the following statements is closest to your own beliefs? (Select one)
After you die nothing will happen; you will just not exist
After you die you will go to Heaven because God loves all people and will not let any of them perish
After you die you will go to Heaven because you have accepted Jesus Christ as your savior
After you die you will go to Heaven because you have tried to obey the 10 Commandments
After you die you will go to Heaven because you have tried your best to be a good person and live a good life
After you die you will return in another life form
No one really knows what will happen after we die
Not sure

I personally consider Mormons (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) to be Christians.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Not sure

Which of the following best represents your religious affiliation?
Roman Catholic
Protestant/other non-denominational Christian
No affiliation

Do you consider yourself to be a born-again, evangelical, or fundamentalist Christian?
Not sure

How often do you attend church, mosque, synagogue or other place of worship?
More than once a week
About once a week
Once or twice a month
Only on religious holidays
Not sure

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