God wants to talk to you. Learn how to hear His voice and develop the richest and most rewarding relationship of your life. For more information on this message, go to http://www.jdm.org
Jesse Duplantis - Wanting a God You Can Talk To
God wants to talk to you. Learn how to hear His voice and develop the richest and most rewarding relationship of your life. For more information on this message, go to http://www.jdm.org
Voice of the Martyrs Prayer Update for week of June 22, 2012: Please Pray for These Persecuted Christians
The Voice of the Martyrs USA: www.persecution.com
Syria—War Brings Additional Trials for Syrian Believers
Source: VOM Contacts
Azerbaijan—Police Question Children During Church Raid
Source: Forum 18 News, VOM Contacts
Sudan—Officials Close Christian Offices in South Darfur
Sources: Compass Direct News, VOM Contacts
Central Asia
VOM Project
(All information from Voice of the Martyrs. I own nothing. Re-posted here for informative purposes only.)
Syria—War Brings Additional Trials for Syrian Believers
Source: VOM Contacts
Christians in Syria who share their faith have always faced danger, but the escalating civil war is making evangelistic efforts even more dangerous. Several evangelists who work with VOM have lost family members. “In some cases, people were killed because of their Christian identity,” said VOM’s program officer for the region. “We are checking into how we can be of assistance to those who have been injured for their faith, including one whose face was mutilated as a warning to other Christians.” The war has also displaced many Christians. As Christians flee the fighting and leave their houses behind, Muslims and members of the rebel groups take possession of them. In addition, one church was closed by the government in recent months, and other churches remain under threat of closure. Pray for peace and the protection of Syrian believers.
Source: Forum 18 News, VOM Contacts
Police raided a church in Azerbaijan recently and questioned about 50 children who were attending. Police searched the church for foreigners and, after finding none present, began questioning about 50 children to make sure they had permission from both parents to be there. At least one church member was fined without being tried in court. Although police have denied that the raid occurred, at least 20 police officers and the local head of the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations reportedly participated in the church raid. Please pray that our Christian brothers and sisters in Azerbaijan will rely on the spirit of power through Christ and will be bold and loving despite government oppression.
Sources: Compass Direct News, VOM Contacts
Authorities in South Darfur have closed the offices of Sudan Aid and the Sudan Council of Churches (SCC), ordering staff off the property and arresting three employees of Sudan Aid. Agents from the Sudanese National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) arrived at the organizations’ offices in Nyala on the morning of April 22. They demanded that SCC staff hand over keys to the buildings and vehicles and ordered all staff members to leave. NISS agents also closed down a church clinic that was serving the needy in the area. The day after the offices were closed, staff members returned to find more than a dozen armed security personnel cordoning off the compound. The security agents told staff the offices were closed and they should go home. Two days after the closures, Sudan’s federal Humanitarian Aid Commission froze the bank accounts of the SCC in Nyala. Please pray for the protection of believers in South Darfur.
VOM Project
Pray for the secret printing of a new Bible translation in Central Asia. Pray for those involved in distribution, and pray that the new Bibles will replenish those confiscated by authorities.
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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
(All information from Voice of the Martyrs. I own nothing. Re-posted here for informative purposes only.)
Hal Lindsey Report (6-22-12): Nukes for Oil, Finding Your Gift
From Hal Lindsey Media Ministries e-Newsletter, june 22, 2012. To subscribe go to the official Hal Lindsey Media Ministry website at: http://www.hallindsey.com/
Sometimes the failure of the Mainstream Media to report stories of consequence simply amazes me. I know that most of the media types now spend their days in a panic to find stories that support their liberal causes or make the conservative majority look nutty, but missing or deciding not to report this story is inexplicable.
Middle East news sources are now reporting about a deal between Saudi Arabia and China that has been in the works since January. In fact, a member of the Saudi royal family was brought out of retirement to negotiate it. Prince Bandar, the former longtime Saudi ambassador to the United States, has tentatively worked out an agreement with the Chinese.
The Saudis want to purchase off-the-shelf nuclear missiles from China. The Dong Feng 21 medium-range ballistic missiles will carry a single nuclear warhead payload. They will be installed at bases in Saudi Arabia that are inaccessible to Iran. In return, Saudi Arabia will guarantee an unlimited supply of oil to China through the year 2035. And the oil will continue to flow despite OPEC strictures or any other problems that may beset the desert kingdom in the future.
Where do I start? Wouldn't you think this is a bigger story than New York Mayor Bloomberg outlawing soft drinks and buttery popcorn or 15 nuns on a bus tour to protest Republican spending cuts? Apparently Big Media doesn't think so.
Why? Maybe because it validates what Israel has been saying for years. The Israelis have continually insisted that if the West allows Iran to produce nuclear weapons, it will cause a high stakes nuclear arms race in the Middle East. And the Saudis are the first of the Arabs to ante up.
But that should come as no surprise. The Saudis have made it clear for years that they are terrified of an ascendant Iran. But, apparently, no one in our government believed them.
Well, now the arms race is on. And the stakes are horrifically high, especially in a rough neighborhood like the Middle East.
But, for me, that's not even the biggest story. You don't have to be a foreign affairs expert to know that China is the most voracious user of energy in the world. With her masses, and the need to keep those masses happy by keeping them gainfully employed, China is on a constant hunt for new sources of fuel. In fact, it's China's (and India's) insatiable hunger for energy that made the Kyoto Treaty so laughable that the Democrat-controlled Senate, by a vote of 95-0, told President Bill Clinton not to even think about bringing it to the Senate for ratification. Why? Because it didn't bind China or India to compliance. Just the West.
So here you have the world's greatest consumer of fuel and energy -- who has expressed no intention of curbing that appetite -- making a deal for unlimited supplies of oil from the world's largest exporter of oil. And the deal's good for the next 23 years!
Obviously, there's no story there, either (never mind the nuclear weapons angle).
But for Bible prophecy watchers, this is a massive story. Many have wondered what could conceivably cause the Kings of the East to send an army of 200 million men into the Middle East to confront the forces of the Gog-Magog alliance. Could it be the threat to their energy lifelines?
I'll discuss the possibilities this week.
Have you been dismayed by the recent Executive Order arbitrarily abrogating certain immigration laws, the claim of "executive privilege" in the Fast and Furious scandal, the last-minute instruction to the Pentagon to observe Gay Pride Month in the military branches, or the decision to remove military editions of the Bible from Base Exchanges?
So have I. Sometimes, it's difficult not to despair when we see how quickly our beloved nation is being "fundamentally transformed" right before our eyes.
Well, in the light of all of the discouraging things happening around us, this week I'm going to discuss a subject that grows more important with each passing day. That is, how to know God's will for your life. But more specifically, how to learn God's will for your life through the process of finding your spiritual "gift."
This is probably one of the most talked about and most misunderstood subjects in the New Testament.
When we are born again into God's family, the Bible tells us that we all receive at least one spiritual "gift." Simply put, a spiritual "gift" is a God-given supernatural ability. We are given these "gifts" to enable us to accomplish God's calling in our lives.
This week, I'll begin my discussion of "Finding Your Gift." As we grow closer to the end of the Age and society makes it more difficult to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the public square, it will become increasingly important that we learn how to effectively exercise the individual gifts and abilities that God has bestowed upon each of us.
Tune in and I think you'll learn some things that will help you in your quest to discern and develop your spiritual gift.
Finally, I would like to ask you for a personal favor. If you have been affected, in some way, by my ministry over the years -- perhaps through my books, tours to Israel, conference appearances, teaching sessions, radio or television programs, or my website -- would you please take a few moments to write me a short note about that impact? It needn't be lengthy or detailed. Also, please include your name, and the city, state, and country from which you're writing.
You can send your letters or notes to Hal Lindsey Ministries, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147.
If you prefer to email your comments, just visit my website at www.hallindsey.com . On the home page, scroll down to the lower right hand corner where it says, "Questions and Comments." You can leave your remarks there. Don't forget to include your name, city, state, and country.
Hopefully, sometime soon I can share with you why this is important to me. For now, though, let me simply thank you in advance for your thoughtfulness and kindness in taking the time to do this. God bless you.
Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, Inspiration Network, CPM Network, various local stations, www.hallindsey.com or www.hischannel.com. Please check your local listings.
God Bless,
Hal Lindsey
mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147
email: comments@hallindsey.com
web: http://www.hallindsey.com
(Blog Disclaimer: I own nothing. All information from Hal Lindsey Media Ministries. Re-posted here for informative purposes only. Video uploaded to YouTube by OmniChristianVids3.)
Ed Hindson - What to Do if You're Left Behind
In this very important program, Dr. Hindson explains the event we Christians know as the Rapture of the Church. He also explains to those who were left behind what they should do to avoid eternity in Hell. http://www.thekingiscoming.com
Part 1/2
Part 2/2
Part 1/2
Part 2/2
Michael English Testimony
Christian music artist Michael English's emotional testimony about recovering from drug addiction. God loves and heals.
Website: http://www.michaelenglishmusic.com/
Gaither Music: http://gaither.com/artists/michael-english
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/michaelenglishmusic
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/michaelenglishmusic
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/menglish001
Kaleigh Parker "Here I Am"
Song off of the album Now is the Time.
Website: http://www.kaleighparkermusic.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kaleighparkermusic
Purchase the Album (or wherever else it's sold):
iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/now-is-the-time/id514194647?ign-mpt=uo%3D4
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Now-Is-the-Time/dp/B007P956EY
Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=ntt_srch_drd_B007PEQ9KO?ie=UTF8&field-keywords=Kaleigh%20Parker&index=digital-music&search-type=ss
CD Baby: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/kaleighparker
CD Universe: http://www.cduniverse.com/productinfo.asp?pid=8715659&style=music
Jack Van Impe Presents (6-23-2012) #1226
(c) J.V.I. Ministries - http://www.jvim.com/ - Jack Van Impe Presents #1226 (2012-06-23)
Jordanian king discusses Middle East peace talks with President Obama...
Showdown: Iran's plan for second holocaust...
Big brother has arrived...
Product Offer of the Week: 10 Hour Audio CD Set: "Revelation Revealed: Verse by Verse"; which can be purchased by phoning the telephone number on the video or by going to the JVIM Ministry online store: https://ww2.micahtek.com/nexolive/nJVISelector.cfm?rDATA1=SHOPPING
Thanks to CallOutToJesus on YouTube for uploading the videos there and the descriptions.
Fourth of July/Independence Day Gospel Tracts
From American Tract Society: http://www.atstracts.org/Seasonal-July_4th.html
Also Patriotic-themed Gospel Tracts: http://www.atstracts.org/Seasonal-Patriotic.html
Also Patriotic-themed Gospel Tracts: http://www.atstracts.org/Seasonal-Patriotic.html
Jay Payleitner "52 Things Wives Need From Their Husbands"
"52 Things Wives Need From Their Husbands" is available to buy. Jay Payleitner is an Author / Radio Producer and has some great ideas for husbands and wives.....
Website: http://www.fathers52.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jay-Payleitner/278564110652
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/JayPayleitner
Nia Allen - "New Song"
Album: HERE I AM (mP3) http://www.amazon.com/Here-Am-I/dp/B008709N30
Website: http://niaallenmusic.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/niaallenmusic
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/Nia_Allen
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialNiaAllen
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/niaallen
Copyright: Nia Allen Music
Book of Revelation Series: Chapter 3, Part 1
Sardis or Sardes (Lydian: Sfard; Greek: Σάρδεις, Sardeis; Persian: سارد, Sārd) was an ancient city at the location of modern Sart (Sartmahmut before 19 October 2005) in Turkey's Manisa Province. Sardis was the capital of the ancient kingdom of Lydia,[1] one of the important cities of the Persian Empire, the seat of a proconsul under the Roman Empire, and the metropolis of the province Lydia in later Roman and Byzantine times. As one of the Seven churches of Asia, it was addressed by the author of the Book of Revelation in terms which seem to imply that its population was notoriously soft and fainthearted. Its importance was due, first to its military strength, secondly to its situation on an important highway leading from the interior to the Aegean coast, and thirdly to its commanding the wide and fertile plain of the Hermus...Since 1958, both Harvard and Cornell Universities have sponsored annual archeological expeditions to Sardis. These excavations unearthed perhaps the most impressive synagogue in the western diaspora yet discovered from antiquity, yielding over eighty Greek and seven Hebrew inscriptions as well as numerous mosaic floors.(Wikipedia)
URL Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sardis
Revelation 3
Amplified Bible (AMP)
3 And to the angel (messenger) of the assembly (church) in Sardis write: These are the words of Him Who has the seven Spirits of God [[a]the sevenfold Holy Spirit] and the seven stars: I know your record and what you are doing; you are supposed to be alive, but [in reality] you are dead.
2 Rouse yourselves and keep awake, and strengthen and invigorate what remains and is on the point of dying; for I have not found a thing that you have done [any work of yours] meeting the requirements of My God or perfect in His sight.
3 So call to mind the lessons you received and heard; continually lay them to heart and obey them, and repent. In case you will not rouse yourselves and keep awake and watch, I will come upon you like a thief, and you will not know or suspect at what hour I will come.
4 Yet you still have a few [persons’] names in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes, and they shall walk with Me in white, because they are worthy and deserving.
5 Thus shall he who conquers (is victorious) be clad in white garments, and I will not erase or blot out his name from the Book of Life; I will acknowledge him [as Mine] and I will confess his name openly before My Father and before His angels.(A)
6 He who is able to hear, let him listen to and heed what the [Holy] Spirit says to the assemblies (churches).
Revelation 3:1 Richard of St. Victor, cited by Richard Trench, Synonyms of the New Testament.
Cross references:
Revelation 3:5 : Ps. 69:28; Dan. 12:1.
Amplified Bible (AMP)
Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation
URL Link: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%203&version=AMP
Jesus says He has the Seven Spirits of God (or the Sevenfold Holy Spirit) and the seven stars. What He says about the Church of Sardis is very sad. He says that the Church of Sardis is dead and that they need to wake up. They need to repent and reinvigorate what is left of them. He says that He hasn't found any work they've done that meet God's requirement of them. So, Jesus urges them to recall and obey the lessons they've already received and heard, and to continually be mindful of them. He doesn't want them to be caught unaware when He comes. He mentions that there are a few people who have not 'soiled their clothes' and they shall walk with Him in white because they are worthy and deserving. It is so sad to think of soiling your clothes and not being able to walk in white with the Lord. He says that those who are victorious will be clad in white garments. He also, very importantly, says that those who are victorious will not have their name erased or blotted out of the Book of Life. Those who are victorious will be acknowledged as His and Jesus will confess their names to the Father and before His angels.
The Matthew Henry Commentary says this:
about the sevenfold Holy Spirit and the seven stars: He hath the seven spirits, that is, the Holy Spirit with his various powers, graces, and operations; for he is personally one, though efficaciously various, and may be said here to be seven, which is the number of the churches, and of the angels of the churches, to show that to every minister, and to every church, there is a dispensation and measure of the Spirit given for them to profit withal—a stock of spiritual influence for that minister and church to improve, both for enlargement and continuance, which measure of the Spirit is not ordinarily withdrawn from them, till they forfeit it by misimprovement. Churches have their spiritual stock and fund, as well as particular believers; and, this epistle being sent to a languishing ministry and church, they are very fitly put in mind that Christ has the seven spirits, the Spirit without measure and in perfection, to whom they may apply themselves for the reviving of his work among them. (2.) He hath the seven stars, the angels of the churches; they are disposed of by him, and accountable to him, which should make them faithful and zealous. He has ministers to employ, and spiritual influences to communicate to his ministers for the good of his church. The Holy Spirit usually works by the ministry, and the ministry will be of no efficacy without the Spirit; the same divine hand holds them both.
another thing about Christ's introduction to this message: There is this observable in it, that whereas in the other epistles Christ begins with commending what is good in the churches, and then proceeds to tell them what is amiss, in this (and in the epistle to Laodicea) he begins,1. With a reproof, and a very severe one: I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. Hypocrisy, and a lamentable decay in religion, are the sins charged upon this church, by one who knew her well, and all her works.
about the Book of Life: Now to this is added another promise very suitable to the case: I will not blot his name out of the book of life, but will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels. Observe, (1.) Christ has his book of life, a register and roll of all who shall inherit eternal life. [1.] The book of eternal election. [2.] The book of remembrance of all those who have lived to God, and have kept up the life and power of godliness in evil times. (2.) Christ will not blot the names of his chosen and faithful ones out of this book of life; men may be enrolled in the registers of the church, as baptized, as making a profession, as having a name to live, and that name may come to be blotted out of the roll, when it appears that it was but a name, a name to live, without spiritual life; such often lose the very name before they die, they are left of God to blot out their own names by their gross and open wickedness. But the names of those that overcome shall never be blotted out. (3.) Christ will produce this book of life, and confess the names of the faithful who stand there, before God, and all the angels; he will do this as their Judge, when the books shall be opened; he will do this as their captain and head, leading them with him triumphantly to heaven, presenting them to the Father
URL Link: http://www.biblestudytools.com/commentaries/matthew-henry-complete/revelation/3.html
URL Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sardis
Revelation 3
Amplified Bible (AMP)
3 And to the angel (messenger) of the assembly (church) in Sardis write: These are the words of Him Who has the seven Spirits of God [[a]the sevenfold Holy Spirit] and the seven stars: I know your record and what you are doing; you are supposed to be alive, but [in reality] you are dead.
2 Rouse yourselves and keep awake, and strengthen and invigorate what remains and is on the point of dying; for I have not found a thing that you have done [any work of yours] meeting the requirements of My God or perfect in His sight.
3 So call to mind the lessons you received and heard; continually lay them to heart and obey them, and repent. In case you will not rouse yourselves and keep awake and watch, I will come upon you like a thief, and you will not know or suspect at what hour I will come.
4 Yet you still have a few [persons’] names in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes, and they shall walk with Me in white, because they are worthy and deserving.
5 Thus shall he who conquers (is victorious) be clad in white garments, and I will not erase or blot out his name from the Book of Life; I will acknowledge him [as Mine] and I will confess his name openly before My Father and before His angels.(A)
6 He who is able to hear, let him listen to and heed what the [Holy] Spirit says to the assemblies (churches).
Revelation 3:1 Richard of St. Victor, cited by Richard Trench, Synonyms of the New Testament.
Cross references:
Revelation 3:5 : Ps. 69:28; Dan. 12:1.
Amplified Bible (AMP)
Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation
URL Link: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%203&version=AMP
Jesus says He has the Seven Spirits of God (or the Sevenfold Holy Spirit) and the seven stars. What He says about the Church of Sardis is very sad. He says that the Church of Sardis is dead and that they need to wake up. They need to repent and reinvigorate what is left of them. He says that He hasn't found any work they've done that meet God's requirement of them. So, Jesus urges them to recall and obey the lessons they've already received and heard, and to continually be mindful of them. He doesn't want them to be caught unaware when He comes. He mentions that there are a few people who have not 'soiled their clothes' and they shall walk with Him in white because they are worthy and deserving. It is so sad to think of soiling your clothes and not being able to walk in white with the Lord. He says that those who are victorious will be clad in white garments. He also, very importantly, says that those who are victorious will not have their name erased or blotted out of the Book of Life. Those who are victorious will be acknowledged as His and Jesus will confess their names to the Father and before His angels.
The Matthew Henry Commentary says this:
about the sevenfold Holy Spirit and the seven stars: He hath the seven spirits, that is, the Holy Spirit with his various powers, graces, and operations; for he is personally one, though efficaciously various, and may be said here to be seven, which is the number of the churches, and of the angels of the churches, to show that to every minister, and to every church, there is a dispensation and measure of the Spirit given for them to profit withal—a stock of spiritual influence for that minister and church to improve, both for enlargement and continuance, which measure of the Spirit is not ordinarily withdrawn from them, till they forfeit it by misimprovement. Churches have their spiritual stock and fund, as well as particular believers; and, this epistle being sent to a languishing ministry and church, they are very fitly put in mind that Christ has the seven spirits, the Spirit without measure and in perfection, to whom they may apply themselves for the reviving of his work among them. (2.) He hath the seven stars, the angels of the churches; they are disposed of by him, and accountable to him, which should make them faithful and zealous. He has ministers to employ, and spiritual influences to communicate to his ministers for the good of his church. The Holy Spirit usually works by the ministry, and the ministry will be of no efficacy without the Spirit; the same divine hand holds them both.
another thing about Christ's introduction to this message: There is this observable in it, that whereas in the other epistles Christ begins with commending what is good in the churches, and then proceeds to tell them what is amiss, in this (and in the epistle to Laodicea) he begins,1. With a reproof, and a very severe one: I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. Hypocrisy, and a lamentable decay in religion, are the sins charged upon this church, by one who knew her well, and all her works.
about the Book of Life: Now to this is added another promise very suitable to the case: I will not blot his name out of the book of life, but will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels. Observe, (1.) Christ has his book of life, a register and roll of all who shall inherit eternal life. [1.] The book of eternal election. [2.] The book of remembrance of all those who have lived to God, and have kept up the life and power of godliness in evil times. (2.) Christ will not blot the names of his chosen and faithful ones out of this book of life; men may be enrolled in the registers of the church, as baptized, as making a profession, as having a name to live, and that name may come to be blotted out of the roll, when it appears that it was but a name, a name to live, without spiritual life; such often lose the very name before they die, they are left of God to blot out their own names by their gross and open wickedness. But the names of those that overcome shall never be blotted out. (3.) Christ will produce this book of life, and confess the names of the faithful who stand there, before God, and all the angels; he will do this as their Judge, when the books shall be opened; he will do this as their captain and head, leading them with him triumphantly to heaven, presenting them to the Father
URL Link: http://www.biblestudytools.com/commentaries/matthew-henry-complete/revelation/3.html
Father's Day (CBN Special)
Join us at 700 Club Interactive as we celebrate Father's Day, and Ron Deal discusses the role of step-dads. .. The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN http://www.cbn.com
CBN Christian World News: Week of june 15, 2012
On this week's Christian World News - Little done as Syria's massacre continues, Syrian violence one of the 'worst disasters,' Ministry Gives hope to India's vast needs; USAID, churches unite to stop preventable diseases, and more... The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN http://www.cbn.com
Voice of the Martyrs Prayer Update for week of June 15, 2012: Please pray for these persecuted Christians
The Voice of the Martyrs USA: www.persecution.com
To read this on the official website please click here.
Nigeria—Boko Haram Attacks Church During Worship ServiceSources: Compass Direct News, Punch (Nigerian Newspaper)
Suicide bombers attacked the Living Faith Church in Yelwa, Nigeria, on Sunday, June 3, killing at least 13. Eight more deaths were later attributed to soldiers who responded to the blast. The Muslim extremist group Boko Haram claimed responsibility for the bombing, which also damaged the nearby Harvest Field Church. More than 60 people were taken to hospitals for treatment, 38 in critical condition. The suicide bomber detonated his bomb after his vehicle was stopped at a security checkpoint in front of the church compound. In a statement sent to journalists last week, a Boko Haram spokesman promised more violence. The group is responsible for the deaths of at least 181 Christians since December. The pastor of the Living Faith Church, Gauis Biyal, urged Christians not to seek revenge. Pray for peace in Nigeria, and pray that Christians there will be motivated to follow Christ wholeheartedly, at any cost.
Sources: VOM Contacts
Two evangelists were arrested and beaten after meeting with a Muslim woman on Indonesia’s Sumatra island. The evangelists, Roy and Ribur, were accused of coercing the woman, from a Muslim majority area, to be baptized. The pair had met with the woman previously and asked her to join their church. They were subsequently invited to her home on Wednesday, May 28, for further discussion. But when the evangelists mentioned Jesus Christ, the woman appeared confused and went outside to talk with her neighbor. She eventually went to the village head to report that there were Christians in the village. Roy and Ribur were then brought before the village head, who confiscated their bags containing gospel tracts, a list of new believers and a water bottle that was believed to be used for baptisms. News of the “forced” baptism quickly spread, and a mob that had gathered outside the village leader’s office began to beat Roy and Ribur. Police intervened and arrested the two evangelists. Pray for Roy and Ribur, and pray that God will soften the hearts of the people in Banda Aceh.
Sources: VOM Contacts
Police in Laos are looking for the evangelists who led 55 Hmong people to Christ in two different provinces in May. In one province, 45 people converted to Christianity. “Police are searching for the one who spread the Good News,” wrote a VOM contact. In Luang Prabang province, a Christian evangelist led 10 people to Christ. Provincial officials there know who introduced the families to Christ and have reported the information to authorities. This worker is now being watched. Pray for the protection of this worker as well as the protection of other Hmong evangelists in the region.
North Korea
VOM Project
Pray for those involved in the production and broadcast of one-hour radio programs. The programs include hymns and readings from the Bible and VOM books.
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Digital versions of our books are available on the Amazon.com Kindle and Barnes & Noble NOOK bookstores: search for Living Sacrifice Book Company.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
(Blog Disclaimer: I own nothing. All information from the Voice of the Martyrs and re-posted here for informational purposes only).
Download the iOS prayer application on the iTunes Store by visiting http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/prayer-calendar/id432550884?mt=8
Download the Android prayer application on the Android Marketplace by visiting https://market.android.com/details?id=com.persecution.prayercalendar
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Digital versions of our books are available on the Amazon.com Kindle and Barnes & Noble NOOK bookstores: search for Living Sacrifice Book Company.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
(Blog Disclaimer: I own nothing. All information from the Voice of the Martyrs and re-posted here for informational purposes only).
Hal Lindsey Report (6-15-12): Who is a 'Refugee'?, the Burden of Jerusalem, From the Beginning, the Gog Alliance, Unfolding Prophecy
From Hal Lindsey Media Ministries e-Newsletter, june 15, 2012. To subscribe go to the official Hal Lindsey Media Ministry website at: http://www.hallindsey.com/
The plight of the Palestinians is one of the most divisive geopolitical issues in the world today. The irony is that it's a completely manufactured issue. (Remember the flak Newt Gingrich took when he correctly labeled the Palestinians an "invented people?")
A recent study shows that less than 30,000 Palestinian Arabs can be classified as "refugees" as normally defined by the "United Nations Convention on Refugees." These are what remain of the original 750,000 Arabs displaced by the 1948 war in Israel. (And that's still fewer than the number of Jews chased from their homes throughout the Middle East at the time.)
Yet UNRWA (the United Nations Relief and Works Agency that specifically caters to Palestinian "refugees") pays benefits to 5 million so-called Palestinian refugees. How can that be? It's because the UN suspended the rules that apply to everyone else in the world in order to accommodate the Palestinians.
Why should you care? Other than the fact that since you're reading this message you probably care deeply about Israel and the danger she faces from the world at large, this issue directly affects the American taxpayer. Since the U.S. provides a quarter of UNRWA's budget, that means you and I are paying for benefits to more than 1.2 million Palestinians who cannot (according to normal U.N. standards) be classified as refugees.
And for those of us who know something about the danger to Israel posed by millions of Palestinian Arabs who yearn for the utter destruction of the Jews, this is a rather galling predicament.
But, it should come as no surprise to those of us who are familiar with the Bible prophecies concerning Jerusalem and Israel in these final days. 2,600 years ago, the prophet Zechariah predicted that Jerusalem would become such an object of obsession with the world, that those who tried to dominate and manage the issue would be "cut in pieces."
But it's not just on the subject of Jerusalem that the ancient prophets were remarkably accurate. They foretold precisely the order of events that we have read about in newspapers and watched on television over the last 60 years. For instance, they predicted the realignment of nations that we see taking place in the world right now.
One of the most prominent is the prophecy regarding the coalition of Russia and Iran. Interestingly, in every day's headlines the past two weeks, we've seen Russia defending Iran and even urging the world to include Iran as a "peacemaker" in the efforts to diffuse the crisis in Syria. This sounds like a plot from "South Park." Here are the two nations who most avidly support Syria (Russia actively supplies advanced weaponry and holds the world at bay while Iran functions as a full-blown war ally of Bashar al-Assad) piously promoting themselves as "peacemakers" in the Syrian crisis.
And just last week Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, after a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, happily declared that "constructive cooperation" between the two nations will help bring "peace and security" to the Middle East. If you're thinking Ezekiel 38:4, you're right on.
If you're a Bible prophecy buff, or you're simply anxious for Jesus to come back and call His bride away, everything that's happening now can almost make you giddy. This is precisely what we mean when we open "The Hal Lindsey Report" each week with the words, "Yesterday's prophecies, today's headlines." Folks, it's happening right before our eyes.
But don't fall into the trap that the world and many Christians do. Don't start thinking that the only good Bible prophecy is a fulfilled Bible prophecy. God gave us these benchmarks to help us see the unfolding of His timeline. As we see events and conditions progressing TOWARD their final fulfillment, it helps us maintain a sense of urgency that time is growing short and we need to be serious about bringing those around us into a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Further, "developing" prophecy also demonstrates the accuracy and, thus, the veracity of God's Word. If the Bible correctly foretells what we actually see happening in the world today, then we can know that it is accurate on all the other promises and warnings God gives. And that includes God's guarantee of eternal life in Heaven for all who freely accept the pardon that Jesus Christ purchased for us on Calvary.
If you've never accepted the free gift of pardon that Christ's death and resurrection bought for you, do it now. Don't wait for all the end-times prophecies to be fulfilled, for then it will be too late. Accept today God's forgiveness for the debt you owe, "paid in full" by Jesus Christ on the cross.
Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, Inspiration Network, CPM Network, various local stations, www.hallindsey.com or www.hischannel.com. Please check your local listings.
God Bless,
Hal Lindsey
mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147
email: comments@hallindsey.com
(Blog Disclaimer: I own nothing. All information from Hal Lindsey Media Ministries. Re-posted here for informative purposes only. Video uploaded to YouTube by OmniChristianVids3.)
Hollywood Prayer Network Newsletter (june 2012)
(Blog Disclaimer: I do not own this and I am not affiliated with HPN. But, I care about the ministry and would like to pass the message on to others. Re-posted here for informative purposes only. The official website is here: http://www.hollywoodprayernetwork.org. To subscribe to the e-Newsletter for yourself go here: http://www.hollywoodprayernetwork.org/sign-up. To go to the Facebook page click here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hollywood-Prayer-Network-Fan-Page/116686335076695)
Go here to subscribe to the monthly e-newsletter: http://www.hollywoodprayernetwork.org/sign-up
Hollywood Prayer Network Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hollywood-Prayer-Network-Fan-Page/116686335076695
From HPN Newsletter for June 2012: SUMMARY:It's SUMMER!!!! The TV staffing season is winding down and all of the summer films have been announced and are being released. With hiatus and vacation on everyone's mind, let's focus this month on praying for Christians and the impact we can have on our world through praying for the media and entertainment industry. If we will spread the word to our friends, family members and churches to join us in praying for Hollywood, we will see a greater eternal difference, not only here, but around the world. Thanks for praying with us and for us!
• Thank God and you for answered prayers as we went to Indonesia last month• Praise God for spreading the message of Hollywood as a powerful marketplace• Continue to pray for Gloria’s healing through her chemo treatments• Correction: Last month we put in one incorrect website• Pray for the new TV Game show - "The American Bible Challenge"• Pray for Melissa who has been hired as a staff writer on Revolution• Pray for Alan Horn as he takes over as the new Chairman for Disney Studios• Let's pray for one of America's favorite actors, Morgan Freeman• Pray for the industry professionals in Hollywood to overcome depression!• Pray for ten of the celebrities who are in this summer's blockbuster films• Pray for Christians to be more strategic in their desire to impact Hollywood• Pray for HPN to start "PRAYING OVER HOLLYWOOD" Prayer Helicopter rides• Pray for HPN’s new updated DVD as we shoot it this summer• Praise for industry pro Russell, who has just been diagnosed bladder cancer• Check out our communities upcoming events
• Thank God for answered prayers and thank you for praying as we went to Indonesia last month for the World Prayer Assembly. It was awesome and gave us a renewed passion in the need for prayer for our industry. We spoke to three groups of people, prayed with people from 110 different nations and on Thursday night joined 100,000 Christians in Jakarta's Coliseum, right down town, to praise God pray for the nations and worship him in many languages. It was an historic time for the Christians in Indonesia. And we got the chance to spread our vision to pray for the media. Our message changed the hearts of many people who hadn't heard this message before and inspired others with the encouragement to act on their dreams of working as Christian professionals in the media. HERE is a link to watch a news piece on the event. (Don’t miss Caren on it!)
• Praise God for what He's doing to spread the message across the country that Hollywood is the nation's most influential marketplace today. Karen got a chance to lift up three of the major Hollywood "industry-friendly" churches in an article in Church Executive Magazine. Let's pray that other church leaders are inspired to support the arts both within and outside of the church, as part of God's overall plan to touch the people in Hollywood with His loving, healing and saving hand. Click HERE to read about Hollywood Presbyterian, Bel Air Presbyterian and Lake Avenue churches and their support of entertainment professionals.
• Continue to pray for Gloria’s healing, her strength and her influence to her co-workers and associates as she bravely pushes through her chemo treatments for breast cancer. She is a strong believer, an incredible young producer, and she and her new husband Chris so appreciate our prayers and support.
CORRECTION:Last month I listed three companies who help Christians with guides to films with Christian themes. We put in one incorrect website and we so apologize to Allied Faith and Family for the error. Please check out their correct site at: http://www.alliedim.com/
REQUESTS:• Pray for the Lord to honor a new TV Game show that's premiering on GSNTV in August called "The American Bible Challenge." It's a Bible game show where the winner gives away the money he earns to bless someone else! Let's also pray for the show's host, Jeff Foxworthy, who is excited about being a part of this project. To learn more about it click HERE and then click on the video to the left of the page.
• Pray for Melissa who has been hired as a staff writer on Revolution, a new TV series by known producer, J.J. Abrams. Revolution is an upcoming American science fiction dramatic TV series on NBC Monday nights. Pray that Melissa will be the BEST writer and Ambassador for Christ to J.J. Abrams and the whole staff and crew of the show. For more info on the show click HERE.
• Alan Horn takes over as the new Chairman for Disney Studios. It’s a big change from Rich Ross, who was leading for a short time. This is a key position to determine what types of films Disney will put into production. So would you pray for God to speak to Alan, giving him wisdom and a vision for the “family” as he green lights Disney’s upcoming films. For more info on Alan click HERE.
• Let's pray for one of America's favorite actors, Morgan Freeman. He is searching spiritually and as a role model to so many, may the Lord confirm in Morgan's heart the truth of who He is and how much He loves Morgan. Pray also that Morgan can experience a transformation in his heart, so that it overflows with peace, joy, hope and unconditional love. HERE is an article about the third season of Morgan's Science series "Through the Wormhold," and his views about it.
• Pray for the industry professionals in Hollywood to overcome depression! It's one of the most effective forms of spiritual battle in this marketplace mission field. The enemy attacks people with discouragement, depression and even despair. We need your prayers to lift the creative community out of this powerfully draining mindset. To understand better how to pray, read this article by Gary, who runs a Bible Studies in Hollywood. Click HERE to read Gary's article. And those of you who live here, you are welcome to attend these solid and encouraging studies. Email Gary at: gary@tinseltownministries.org
• Let’s pray for ten of the celebrities who are seen in this summer's blockbuster films. Let's lift up their personal lives, their relationships with others and with God and ask the Lord to fill them up with His truth, love, hope, joy, peace and salvation! It is SOOOO difficult to be a celebrity for man was not meant to get the glory – God was! Celebrities all need God's help to live lives of purpose and significance, because just being a "star" will never give them what they need.
1. Johnny Depp - Dark Shadows2. Robert Downey Jr. - The Avengers3. Chris Evans -The Avengers4. Noomi Rapace - Prometheus5. Anne Hathaway - The Dark Knight Rises6. Christian Bale - The Dark Knight Rises7. Sacha Baron Cohen - The Dictator8. Will Smith - Men In Black III9. Tommy Lee Jones - Men In Black III10. Charlize Theron - Snow White and the Huntsmen
• Would you pray for Christians to be more strategic in their desire to impact Hollywood? Instead of getting angry, boycotting or cutting off this city, HPN believes that the greatest eternal impact we can have is to pray for and invest in the Three p’s: people, projects and property. As we invest in the people, in the creative projects and in the purchase of property, we will see more people find Jesus, more positive changes in the content of films, TV shows, video games and music, and we'll see Christians being taken more seriously as a stronger, viable presence in this marketplace.
• Pray for HPN to start "PRAYING OVER HOLLYWOOD" Prayer Helicopter rides. We have wanted to get prayer warriors to gain a vision of the importance of praying for Hollywood by flying them over the city and praying over it, from God's perspective. We got inspired to do this 5 years ago when we met an amazing pastor from Denver, Tom Melton, who helped start PRAYER ONE Helicopter prayer rides over his city. We knew this was perfect for Hollywood. Would you pray with us that the Lord will supply the finances to spread our vision to pray for Hollywood by setting up prayer helicopter rides over the studios and key entertainment locations around the city? Be inspired by reading THIS recent article about Tom & Jeff's vision in Denver.
• Pray for HPN as we shoot our updated version of “The Hollywood Tribe” DVD. It’s a new season in Hollywood and we have to update all of you on what’s happening and how you can more specific in your prayers. Would you ask the Lord to help us capture exactly what He’s doing here so that we can spread His vision effectively?
• "An industry member and friend Russell, who just had surgery to remove a cancerous tumor in his bladder was a success and Russell is home. The doctor was able to remove the small tumor and did not find cancer anywhere else - Praise God!!!" Russell and Marion
• TheCRY Toronto is coming up on July 28th in Toronto, Canada. Toronto is often called "Hollywood North" and is a significant city for Canada. Please pray about joining us there for another awesome prayer strike for our generation. Find out more at http://www.thecrymovement.com
• For other upcoming summer events click on: http://hollywoodconnect.com/events/upcoming
Thanks so much for praying and have a wonderful June!Karen and Caren
TIP OF THE MONTH:Click HERE to learn the 22 rules of storytelling by Pixar, the company who knows how to tell the greatest stories.
QUOTE OF THE MONTH:"The world doesn't learn about God by watching Christian movies. The world learns about God by watching Christians." - Phil Vischer
VERSE OF THE MONTH:"But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth." Exodus 9:15-17
© Copyright 2007 Hollywood Prayer Network
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Hollywood Prayer Network
1763 N. Gower St.
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Hollywood Prayer Network Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hollywood-Prayer-Network-Fan-Page/116686335076695
North Korean Labor Camps Confirmed
At least 200,000 North Korean citizens, including many of our Christian brothers and sisters, suffer under brutal conditions in six confirmed labor camps for political prisoners.
Continue reading here: http://etools.vomusa.org/a/vomso/bg_vomso_wdbm-20120611-NorthKorea_443.html
Continue reading here: http://etools.vomusa.org/a/vomso/bg_vomso_wdbm-20120611-NorthKorea_443.html
Jack Van Impe Presents (6-16-2012) #1225
(c) J.V.I. Ministries - http://www.jvim.com/ - Jack Van Impe Presents #1225 (2012-06-16)
15000 gather to bring into action Sharia Law in the US...
Defense cuts carry dire results...
Professor of religion at Princeton University debunks the Book of Revelation...
Product Offer of the Week: 10 Hour Audio CD Set: "Revelation Revealed: Verse by Verse"; which can be purchased by phoning the telephone number on the video or by going to the JVIM Ministry online store: https://ww2.micahtek.com/nexolive/nJVISelector.cfm?rDATA1=SHOPPING
Thanks to CallOutToJesus on YouTube for uploading the videos there and the descriptions.
CBN NewsWatch: june 13, 2012
On Wednesday's CBN Newswatch: a shocking number of Americans think the nation will go bankrupt, an East Jerusalem church faces eviction from their building again, pediatrician Harvey Karp debunks the myths about babies and sleep, and more... The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN http://www.cbn.com
Stakelbeck on Terror: Bible Prophecy Update
CBN News Terrorism Analyst Erick Stakelbeck is joined by Bible prophecy experts Bill Koenig and Bill Salus to discuss current events in the Middle East, what the Bible says about them and what is coming... The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN http://www.cbn.com
CBN NewsWatch: june 12, 2012
On Tuesday's CBN Newswatch: Investigations into national security leaks get heated, Florida under the microscope over possible voter fraud, analysis of the Christian celebrity craze, and more... The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN http://www.cbn.com
CBN NewsWatch: june 11, 2012
On Monday's CBN Newswatch: the government investigates who is leaking America's security secrets, weather extremes placing homes and lives in jeopardy, the biggest human rights abuser in the Middle East, and more... The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN http://www.cbn.com
Hal Lindsey Report (6-08-12): 300 Strong
From Hal Lindsey Media Ministries e-Newsletter, june 8, 2012:
Just a few days ago, we commemorated Memorial Day, a day on which we pause to remember and thank God for all those who have fallen in defense of our nation. That simple act of remembrance set me to thinking that it is wise for us to pause occasionally to remember other things that are important in our lives, as well.
That's what I want to do this week. I want to take some time to reflect on how God miraculously raised up "The Hal Lindsey Report." And in so doing, I want to publicly thank Him for His faithfulness to supply all our needs over the last six years. And He chose to do it through you.
In late October, 2011, "The Hal Lindsey Report" reached a major milestone: edition #300.
We launched "The Hal Lindsey Report" in February, 2006. At the end of 2005, through circumstances beyond my control, I found myself without a weekly television program for the first time in almost a decade. I had produced "The International Intelligence Briefing" at Trinity Broadcasting Network since the mid-'90's.
But now, I stood at a crossroads. I didn't feel my television ministry was over, but I did not have the resources to begin a new one from scratch. At TBN, the network provided the production facilities, the producer/director, the crew, and the airtime -- which, alone, was more than I could afford. In return, all contributions received by the network from donors wanting to support the show went directly into TBN's coffers.
As a result, when I made the painful decision to leave the network, I didn't even have the funds to make a pilot program, much less the tens of thousands of dollars it takes to purchase airtime. On top of that, networks require programmers to contract for specified periods of time, which makes the amounts required even higher!
During this time, I was teaching a weekly Bible study at a church in Palm Desert, California. The study was sponsored by a ministry which serves seniors 50 years and older. During the fall and winter season (which is the prime season in the resort area surrounding Palm Springs), up to 700 people attended the study each week.
One night, I casually mentioned that God was speaking to me about starting a new television program in the same "news, commentary, and prophetic perspective" format as "The International Intelligence Briefing" at TBN. I told the audience that I felt God was not finished with this part of my ministry, but I had absolutely no way to begin. So I asked them to pray with me about it. I then proceeded to the Bible study.
A gentleman in the audience was visiting from Oregon. He had come to Palm Springs to purchase a Ferrari. Just in case you're not up on your expensive Italian automobiles, a Ferrari is an expensive Italian automobile!
After the session, my friend who organized and moderated the weekly study came up to me. He told me that after the meeting a gentleman had approached him and handed him a check. This fellow said that he had come to the desert to buy a Ferrari, but God spoke to him and told him to help Hal launch his television program instead. So he did.
When I opened the check, I almost fainted. It was made out for $100,000.
There's an old missionary saying that I believe is the gospel truth: "Where God guides, He provides. Where He leads, He feeds." God had been guiding me to begin a new television ministry, and now He had provided!
With that initial contribution, we were able to secure a place to produce the new program, hire a producer/director, and buy enough airtime on two small Christian networks to get started. And we've never looked back. God has provided every step of the way.
Today, "The Hal Lindsey Report" is broadcast on three major international networks, a regional network, and several independent stations. It is available in more than 90% of the homes in America -- and on multiple channels in more than half of those homes. It is seen around the world in almost 200 nations, territories, and protectorates. It is accessible 24/7 on the internet and is now carried as a radio program 9 times each week in Israel!
God has miraculously provided for this ministry, but He has done it through you. Without your faithful and remarkably consistent prayer and financial support, we could never have made it to edition #300 (and now to #331!), much less see this grow into a worldwide ministry. I cannot even begin to express my gratitude for your generosity and faithfulness. I thank God; I thank you; and I thank God for you.
In observance of this milestone, I am going to share with you my reflections on a Biblical account that I think holds a special message for viewers and supporters of "The Hal Lindsey Report." When God called Gideon to defend Israel and deliver it from the Midianites and Amalekites, He chose to do it in a way that was guaranteed to bring all the glory to Himself. Rather than allow Gideon to raise a formidable army to challenge the hundreds of thousands that the enemy had assembled, God showed Gideon a simple test that would produce the group that He wanted to use.
When it was complete, only 300 men were left. And those were exactly the ones God wanted. He used that tiny group to win a great victory over a massive army. In doing so, God left no doubt that it was He who had delivered Israel.
You probably think you've already made the connection. 300 men. 300 editions. Well, it goes a bit deeper than that. For me, the parallel is not the number, but the qualities demonstrated by the men Gideon chose. I see those same qualities in you, the regular viewers and faithful supporters of this ministry.
Tune in this week and find out what that real connection is. Maybe you'll learn if you would have been one of the 300 that Gideon chose. I believe those same traits are what God is looking for in us in these last days.
Thanks again for doing your part in reaching this important milestone and for standing with me as a "watchman on the wall." Only God knows the reward you will share in Heaven for your role in winning thousands -- maybe millions -- through the worldwide witness of "The Hal Lindsey Report."
PROGRAMMING NOTE: "The Hal Lindsey Report" will not be seen on Inspiration Network again this Sunday. It's the final day of "Summer Campmeeting" 2012. But you can find us everywhere else as usual.
Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, various local stations, www.hallindsey.com or www.Hischannel.com. Please check your local listings.
God Bless,
Hal Lindsey
mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147
email: comments@hallindsey.com web: http://www.hallindsey.com
(Blog Disclaimer: I own nothing. All information from Hal Lindsey Media Ministries. Video uploaded to YouTube by OmniChristianVids3.)
CBN Christian World News: Week of june 8, 2012
On this week's Christian World News: Young missionaries killed in a plane crash, nationwide protests in the U.S. for religious freedom, ministry balloons making a difference in North Korea, and more... The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN http://www.cbn.com
CBN NewsWatch: june 8, 2012
On Friday's CBN Newswatch: Protesters stand against the birth control mandate, President Obama criticized for his latest economy comments, military suicides reach an alarming rate, and more... The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN http://www.cbn.com
Voice of the Martyrs Prayer Update for week of june 8, 2012
(Disclaimer: Information from the VOM Newsletter, posted here for informational purposes.)
VOM-USA Prayer Update for june 8, 2012
The Voice of the Martyrs USA: www.persecution.com
Kazakhstan—Church Closes “Voluntarily” to Avoid Forced Closure
Forum 18 News
Iran—Government’s Anti-Christian Agenda Revealed
Source: Mohabat News, Present Truth Ministries
Nigeria—Attacks Continue in Plateau State
Source: Compass Direct News
VOM Project
© 2012 The Voice of the Martyrs
VOM-USA Prayer Update for june 8, 2012
The Voice of the Martyrs USA: www.persecution.com
Kazakhstan—Church Closes “Voluntarily” to Avoid Forced Closure
Forum 18 News
A church in Kazakhstan closed voluntarily after the pastor’s wife was fined for holding worship meetings in her home — the church’s legal address. After paying the fine, the church decided to close in order to avoid further punishment. Church officials said they eventually would have been shut down if they hadn’t closed on their own. Pastor Valery Kim and his wife, Larissa, said they will not re-register the church because they cannot collect the 50 signatures required for re-registration under the Religion Law. Kazakhstan’s 2011 Religion Law prohibits all exercise of religion or belief without state permission, making any future church activity illegal. Pray for the churches suffering under this restrictive religion law.
Source: Mohabat News, Present Truth Ministries
A former member of Iranian intelligence recently confirmed the government’s official agenda against Christians in Iran, specifically new Christian converts. Iranian intelligence agents are identifying pastors and active Christians in order to arrest and torture them in prison. Officials hope this agenda of arrests, terror and torture will suppress the spread of Christianity. The former intelligence agent reported that Iranian intelligence has gathered tens of thousands of files on Iranians who have converted to Christianity. In a recent example of this systematic persecution, secret police raided a Christian’s birthday party in Karaj and arrested all in attendance. The secret police photographed all of the Christians and accused them of being Zionist Christians, an accusation that carries the stigma of collaboration with Iran’s greatest enemy. Those accused of Zionism are often executed. Pray for the Christians arrested at the party and for all converts in Iran during this time of extreme persecution.
Source: Compass Direct News
Christian leaders in Nigeria’s Plateau state say Muslim extremists, including members of Boko Haram, have killed more than the 35 Christians reported by the military in May. Attacks on 15 Christian villages left many houses destroyed and displaced more than 1,000 villagers. Christians, including children, were sometimes shot in their homes or slashed with machetes. Some believers have taken refuge at police stations and primary schools in other parts of the state, while others have fled Plateau state to avoid further attacks. Although authorities have increased security to protect Christians from Muslim extremists, the attacks continue. Pray that God will grant peace to Nigerian believers as they continue to suffer from past attacks and fear for their future.
VOM Project
Pray for those involved in VOM’s parachute project. Pilots in single-engine airplanes use these parachutes to drop Christian literature and radios into remote areas.
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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
© 2012 The Voice of the Martyrs
Voice of the Martyrs PrisonerAlert Update: Wang Xiaoguang
From Voice of the Martyrs:
june 5, 2012
Pastor Wang Xiaoguang of the Linfen house church in Linfen, China remains in prison. He and his wife, Yang Rongli, were sentenced to seven years in prison for their leadership of the very open, but technically illegal, church. Continue to pray for them, their families, and for the church, as they operate without their leaders.
Backstory: On Nov. 25, 2009, Pastor Wang Xiaoguang and four other Linfen-Fushan church leaders from Shanxi Province were sentenced to criminal detention for two to seven years, according to China Aid Association. The five church leaders were accused of "gathering people to disturb the public order," because they organized a prayer rally on Sept. 14, the day after 400 military police raided the church's grounds. During the raid, more than 30 believers were seriously wounded and 17 buildings were destroyed.
june 5, 2012
Backstory: On Nov. 25, 2009, Pastor Wang Xiaoguang and four other Linfen-Fushan church leaders from Shanxi Province were sentenced to criminal detention for two to seven years, according to China Aid Association. The five church leaders were accused of "gathering people to disturb the public order," because they organized a prayer rally on Sept. 14, the day after 400 military police raided the church's grounds. During the raid, more than 30 believers were seriously wounded and 17 buildings were destroyed.
What is the Belt of Truth and what do we lack when praying without it?
From Stream Ministries
You can’t truly advance the Kingdom of God and destroy the works of evil without invoking the Word of God. It’s essential we know who we are in Christ before we go to battle through prayer—and it doesn’t hurt to remind the enemy of that as well. The best defense against an enemy that rules and intimidates by lies is the counterpunch of the undeniable, infallible truth of scripture. Reading, understanding and speaking this Truth in prayer is the unseen violence that allows the Kingdom of God to be taken by force.
In John Paul’s course, Prayer and Spiritual Warfare, he speaks about this incredible, supernatural “full armor of God” that Paul exhorts us to put on in Ephesians 6, so that we might be able to “stand our ground.” The first part of the armor Paul mentions is the Belt of Truth.
Go here to watch the video: http://www.streamsministries.com/video/ OR
You can’t truly advance the Kingdom of God and destroy the works of evil without invoking the Word of God. It’s essential we know who we are in Christ before we go to battle through prayer—and it doesn’t hurt to remind the enemy of that as well. The best defense against an enemy that rules and intimidates by lies is the counterpunch of the undeniable, infallible truth of scripture. Reading, understanding and speaking this Truth in prayer is the unseen violence that allows the Kingdom of God to be taken by force.
In John Paul’s course, Prayer and Spiritual Warfare, he speaks about this incredible, supernatural “full armor of God” that Paul exhorts us to put on in Ephesians 6, so that we might be able to “stand our ground.” The first part of the armor Paul mentions is the Belt of Truth.
Go here to watch the video: http://www.streamsministries.com/video/ OR
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