is evolution a religion?
from Answers In Genesis
We are sure that many people will find the question posed as the title of this chapter a little strange. Surely, evolution is about the origin and development of life-forms on earth—what has this got to do with religion? Evolution is science, isn’t it? And we are told that it has got to be separate from religious belief—at least in the classroom! Well, let’s see if evolution fits the bill as a true science as opposed to a religious belief. In order to do so, we must define some terms.
Continue reading this article on the website:
Article here. www.answersingenesis.org
We are sure that many people will find the question posed as the title of this chapter a little strange. Surely, evolution is about the origin and development of life-forms on earth—what has this got to do with religion? Evolution is science, isn’t it? And we are told that it has got to be separate from religious belief—at least in the classroom! Well, let’s see if evolution fits the bill as a true science as opposed to a religious belief. In order to do so, we must define some terms.
Continue reading this article on the website:
Article here. www.answersingenesis.org
Fourth Of July (Hal Lindsey Report)
Part 1
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
This week on 'The Hal Lindsey Report'
On this week's edition of "The Hal Lindsey Report," in recognition of our nation's birthday, I'm offering a 'Fourth of July Meditation.' I'm calling it, "Does the Flag Still Wave?"
Everyone recognizes that the United States of America is now the world's only superpower. Its economy is the engine that drives the world. Even in our difficult times, it is still the cornerstone on which the global economy rests.
Twice in one century, the United States saved Europe, and the rest of the world, from the domination of tyrants. Later, America drove the Soviet Empire into the ground and, in so doing, secured freedom for untold millions of citizens and scores of nations.
No matter your politics or what label you attach to your beliefs, it is undeniable that, to this day, America remains the last, best hope of the world's oppressed.
Yet the United States of America exists in the shadow of an uncertainty. Have you ever thought about the fact that even our National Anthem acknowledges that it is possible to forfeit or lose the magnificent heritage that is the United States of America? When Francis Scott Key penned the words to The Star Spangled Banner, he ended the first verse (which is the one customarily performed as our nation's official anthem) with a question: "O' say does that star spangled banner yet wave o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?"
Whether he was being prophetic or simply poetic is not important. His inclusion of that question rightly implies that America's great freedom and promise cannot be taken for granted. It came into existence through the great courage and sacrifice of our forebears. It can fade from existence through the antipathy and apathy of its current citizens.
That's why so many of our Founding Fathers found it imperative to insist that the form of government they established can only prosper if the citizenry is predominantly Judeo-Christian. They minced no words when they proclaimed that our democracy can only succeed if it remains founded on the principles of Christianity and respectful of its Judeo-Christian roots.
Yet, today as no time in our history, those very roots and principles are under ferocious attack. It's as if major elements of society have hoisted their axes, determined to chop away at the roots of our democracy until the magnificent tree of American freedom shivers and falls.
That's why there is no time to lose. As Christians and patriots, we must seek God's mercy for our faltering nation. The forces of darkness have succeeded in marshaling their greatest assault yet. And the speed with which recent changes have weakened the basic foundations of our society is nothing compared to what we may see in the coming months. If we are to see our nation saved, we must earnestly call out to God, repent of our sins as a nation, and humble ourselves before Him.
What better time to begin that renewal than on the anniversary of the birth of our beloved nation.
Happy Fourth of July! God bless you and God Bless America!
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Some of you have asked that I review the various national network airtimes of "The Hal Lindsey Report."
Here they are:
FRIDAY - Trinity Broadcasting Network
8:30 pm (Eastern), 7:30 pm (Central), 6:30 pm (Mountain), and 5:30 pm (Pacific).
SUNDAY - Daystar Television Network
11:00 pm (Eastern), 10:00 pm (Central), 9:00 pm (Mountain), and 8:00 pm (Pacific)
MONDAY - Inspiration Network (INSP)
11:00 pm (Eastern), 10:00 pm (Central), 9:00 pm (Mountain), and 8:00 pm (Pacific).
Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, Inspiration, CPM Network, various local stations, www.hallindsey.com or www.hischannel.com. Check your local listings.
God Bless,
Hal Lindsey
mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147
email: comments@hallindsey.com
web: http://www.hallindsey.com
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
This week on 'The Hal Lindsey Report'
On this week's edition of "The Hal Lindsey Report," in recognition of our nation's birthday, I'm offering a 'Fourth of July Meditation.' I'm calling it, "Does the Flag Still Wave?"
Everyone recognizes that the United States of America is now the world's only superpower. Its economy is the engine that drives the world. Even in our difficult times, it is still the cornerstone on which the global economy rests.
Twice in one century, the United States saved Europe, and the rest of the world, from the domination of tyrants. Later, America drove the Soviet Empire into the ground and, in so doing, secured freedom for untold millions of citizens and scores of nations.
No matter your politics or what label you attach to your beliefs, it is undeniable that, to this day, America remains the last, best hope of the world's oppressed.
Yet the United States of America exists in the shadow of an uncertainty. Have you ever thought about the fact that even our National Anthem acknowledges that it is possible to forfeit or lose the magnificent heritage that is the United States of America? When Francis Scott Key penned the words to The Star Spangled Banner, he ended the first verse (which is the one customarily performed as our nation's official anthem) with a question: "O' say does that star spangled banner yet wave o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?"
Whether he was being prophetic or simply poetic is not important. His inclusion of that question rightly implies that America's great freedom and promise cannot be taken for granted. It came into existence through the great courage and sacrifice of our forebears. It can fade from existence through the antipathy and apathy of its current citizens.
That's why so many of our Founding Fathers found it imperative to insist that the form of government they established can only prosper if the citizenry is predominantly Judeo-Christian. They minced no words when they proclaimed that our democracy can only succeed if it remains founded on the principles of Christianity and respectful of its Judeo-Christian roots.
Yet, today as no time in our history, those very roots and principles are under ferocious attack. It's as if major elements of society have hoisted their axes, determined to chop away at the roots of our democracy until the magnificent tree of American freedom shivers and falls.
That's why there is no time to lose. As Christians and patriots, we must seek God's mercy for our faltering nation. The forces of darkness have succeeded in marshaling their greatest assault yet. And the speed with which recent changes have weakened the basic foundations of our society is nothing compared to what we may see in the coming months. If we are to see our nation saved, we must earnestly call out to God, repent of our sins as a nation, and humble ourselves before Him.
What better time to begin that renewal than on the anniversary of the birth of our beloved nation.
Happy Fourth of July! God bless you and God Bless America!
PROGRAMMING NOTE: Some of you have asked that I review the various national network airtimes of "The Hal Lindsey Report."
Here they are:
FRIDAY - Trinity Broadcasting Network
8:30 pm (Eastern), 7:30 pm (Central), 6:30 pm (Mountain), and 5:30 pm (Pacific).
SUNDAY - Daystar Television Network
11:00 pm (Eastern), 10:00 pm (Central), 9:00 pm (Mountain), and 8:00 pm (Pacific)
MONDAY - Inspiration Network (INSP)
11:00 pm (Eastern), 10:00 pm (Central), 9:00 pm (Mountain), and 8:00 pm (Pacific).
Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, Inspiration, CPM Network, various local stations, www.hallindsey.com or www.hischannel.com. Check your local listings.
God Bless,
Hal Lindsey
mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147
email: comments@hallindsey.com
web: http://www.hallindsey.com
Hope & The Word Of Faith
By Pastor Jefferson O Imgbi
Today’s Sure Word: God has empowered me to make progress
Hebrews Hero’s of Faith: Abraham! Hope against Hope. Vol. 1
By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. Hebrews 11
“Now faith is the most important element in any existence; the characteristic and essential components of anything hoped for, the proof or manifestation of things not seen.” Faith is exercising absolute trust to the calling and the leading of God even when we lack the understanding of what the call is all about for with time he reveals the intent and the purpose of the call to us.
Without hope, life is hopeless and when there is no hope, faith is not necessary because faith is the substance of things hoped for. Hope is in the future and there are times or circumstances when the future has no purpose or existence and in such case it means there is no hope. Without faith, it is impossible to please God but you cannot have faith if you do not have hope. Without hope, you cannot have the faith to please God. We go through certain circumstances in life that takes away our hope and we look feeble and lost but we thank God who has given us his word that create in us a new spirit of hope when all hope is lost.
Here the situation of Abraham was no different from ours. Actually, his own situation was more deadly and ridiculous but God proved himself worthy for his words are spirit and they are life. His words are not mere word that we speak. His word is creative and is powerful. Abraham carried the word of God in the womb, he was pregnant with the word and when the time came, when the expected delivery date came, he gave birth to and recovered all that the enemy took.
I am not just writing some abstract mysteries from the Bible, this is not another Bible story. Here I am identifying with your challenge, as I will give you the tools you need to turn your life around. Because you are, a Christian, this does not automate blessing in your life. The promises of God are yours to keep but you must battle to keep them because the thief is still roaming about looking for whom to steal from, to kill and to destroy. So stop being lazy, defend your territory with the word and not with stickers. The devil reads the word like you and he quotes the word too. The only word that the devil dare is the word that comes with power.
It is your revelation and knowledge of the word that gives you the understanding on how to apply the word for it to release the power that is has. This is the difference between you and Satan. The word that comes out from you might be the same scripture that Satan is quoting but with you, it comes out with power that Satan cannot withstand. Your going through challenges is not because God does not care for you. I want to remind you today in case you have forgotten that your being on earth has been designed that you must definitely face challenges so that you can excel. If there were no challenges, God would not have man to subdue the earth.
From the onset of creation, man had dominion. This is a proof that you were not, separated from challenge. In fact, you met the devil on earth. We are, told that he was chased from heaven when God was pregnant with man and has already prepared a nest as earth for the laying or rather birth of man. The devil was, chased from heaven prior to that time and he was, given permanent resident here on earth. Earth was structured and created to accommodate man but the presence of Satan and his resident permit gave him the legitimate right to reside here on earth.
The fact that you are passing through a lot does not mean that God is bad or that things are bad with you. Things are bad only when you give up. You must not give in or give up to the devil. You are fighting a good fight that you have been program to win. Today I want you to take authority and control over your circumstances and begin to speak and release the power that is in the word over every challenge you are facing. This is the hour of your liberation. God bless you!
Send your prayer request to prayernet@transcendword.co.uk and your testimonies to testimonies@transcendword.co.uk; Follows us www.twitter.com/sureword4today; Join the Group on Face Book “Sureword 4 Today”
“Never let go of hope. One day you will see that, it all has finally come together. What you have always wished for has finally come to be. You will look back and laugh at what has passed and you will ask yourself... ‘How did I get through all of that?”
Today’s Sure Word: God has empowered me to make progress
Hebrews Hero’s of Faith: Abraham! Hope against Hope. Vol. 1
By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. Hebrews 11
“Now faith is the most important element in any existence; the characteristic and essential components of anything hoped for, the proof or manifestation of things not seen.” Faith is exercising absolute trust to the calling and the leading of God even when we lack the understanding of what the call is all about for with time he reveals the intent and the purpose of the call to us.
Without hope, life is hopeless and when there is no hope, faith is not necessary because faith is the substance of things hoped for. Hope is in the future and there are times or circumstances when the future has no purpose or existence and in such case it means there is no hope. Without faith, it is impossible to please God but you cannot have faith if you do not have hope. Without hope, you cannot have the faith to please God. We go through certain circumstances in life that takes away our hope and we look feeble and lost but we thank God who has given us his word that create in us a new spirit of hope when all hope is lost.
Here the situation of Abraham was no different from ours. Actually, his own situation was more deadly and ridiculous but God proved himself worthy for his words are spirit and they are life. His words are not mere word that we speak. His word is creative and is powerful. Abraham carried the word of God in the womb, he was pregnant with the word and when the time came, when the expected delivery date came, he gave birth to and recovered all that the enemy took.
I am not just writing some abstract mysteries from the Bible, this is not another Bible story. Here I am identifying with your challenge, as I will give you the tools you need to turn your life around. Because you are, a Christian, this does not automate blessing in your life. The promises of God are yours to keep but you must battle to keep them because the thief is still roaming about looking for whom to steal from, to kill and to destroy. So stop being lazy, defend your territory with the word and not with stickers. The devil reads the word like you and he quotes the word too. The only word that the devil dare is the word that comes with power.
It is your revelation and knowledge of the word that gives you the understanding on how to apply the word for it to release the power that is has. This is the difference between you and Satan. The word that comes out from you might be the same scripture that Satan is quoting but with you, it comes out with power that Satan cannot withstand. Your going through challenges is not because God does not care for you. I want to remind you today in case you have forgotten that your being on earth has been designed that you must definitely face challenges so that you can excel. If there were no challenges, God would not have man to subdue the earth.
From the onset of creation, man had dominion. This is a proof that you were not, separated from challenge. In fact, you met the devil on earth. We are, told that he was chased from heaven when God was pregnant with man and has already prepared a nest as earth for the laying or rather birth of man. The devil was, chased from heaven prior to that time and he was, given permanent resident here on earth. Earth was structured and created to accommodate man but the presence of Satan and his resident permit gave him the legitimate right to reside here on earth.
The fact that you are passing through a lot does not mean that God is bad or that things are bad with you. Things are bad only when you give up. You must not give in or give up to the devil. You are fighting a good fight that you have been program to win. Today I want you to take authority and control over your circumstances and begin to speak and release the power that is in the word over every challenge you are facing. This is the hour of your liberation. God bless you!
Send your prayer request to prayernet@transcendword.co.uk and your testimonies to testimonies@transcendword.co.uk; Follows us www.twitter.com/sureword4today; Join the Group on Face Book “Sureword 4 Today”
“Never let go of hope. One day you will see that, it all has finally come together. What you have always wished for has finally come to be. You will look back and laugh at what has passed and you will ask yourself... ‘How did I get through all of that?”
VOM–USA Prayer Update for Week of july 2, 2010
The Voice of the Martyrs USA: www.persecution.com
Stand up and bless the LORD your God Forever and ever! “Blessed be Your glorious name, Which is exalted above all blessing and praise!” Nehemiah 9:5b
PAKISTAN—18th Court Hearing for Asia Bibi—VOM Contacts
Psalm 91:1-6
“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler And from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day, Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.”
Asia Bibi’s 18th court hearing is scheduled for June 29 in Pakistan. According to VOM contacts, witnesses for the prosecution have never appeared in court and the judge is becoming increasingly impatient with them. Pray that the judge will dismiss the false charge of blasphemy against Asia so that she can rejoin her husband and daughters. Praise God for her faithfulness.
CHINA—Beijing Christian Harassed, Henan Believers Sent to Labor Camps—China Aid Association
Psalm 5:11-12
“But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You; Let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them; Let those also who love Your name Be joyful in You. For You, O LORD, will bless the righteous; With favor You will surround him as with a shield.
On June 22, Chen Tianshi, head of a house church in Beijing, was visited by Public Security Bureau police. Police told Chen they had come to “check on his temporary residence certificate.” But Chen told Radio Free Asia that the police had been watching him because of a recent article he had written on the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. In Henan, two members of a house church have been sentenced to one year of re-education through labor on charges of engaging in “cult activities.” A statement by the re-education administrative committee accuses the two believers of teaching “heresies and fallacies” in an organization called Total Scope Church. However, a local believer said the charges were fabricated and the two are not members of Total Scope Church. Pray that believers in China will remain faithful and courageous.
INDIA—Ministry Vehicles Burned by Hindu Extremists—VOM Contacts
Romans 8:34–36
Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written: “For Your sake we are killed all day long; We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”
On June 22, seven vehicles belonging to Jesus With Us Ministries were burned by Hindu extremists in Hosur, Tamil Nadu, according to The Voice of the Martyrs contacts. Hindu extremists reportedly poured gasoline on the vehicles, which were parked in the church compound, and then ignited the fuel. The vehicles were completely gutted by fire. Neighbors alerted the pastor and local police, who investigated the incident. Believers say the arson was probably prompted by a meeting the church held a few days earlier. The vehicles had been used to transport believers to the meetings. Pray for peace between Hindus and Christians in Tamil Nadu. Pray that the church vehicles will be replaced and that the believers’ testimonies will draw Hindus into fellowship with Christ.
Add the PrisonerAlert.com application on Facebook by visiting http://apps.facebook.com/prisoneralert/
Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Stand up and bless the LORD your God Forever and ever! “Blessed be Your glorious name, Which is exalted above all blessing and praise!” Nehemiah 9:5b
PAKISTAN—18th Court Hearing for Asia Bibi—VOM Contacts
Psalm 91:1-6
“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler And from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day, Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.”
Asia Bibi’s 18th court hearing is scheduled for June 29 in Pakistan. According to VOM contacts, witnesses for the prosecution have never appeared in court and the judge is becoming increasingly impatient with them. Pray that the judge will dismiss the false charge of blasphemy against Asia so that she can rejoin her husband and daughters. Praise God for her faithfulness.
CHINA—Beijing Christian Harassed, Henan Believers Sent to Labor Camps—China Aid Association
Psalm 5:11-12
“But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You; Let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them; Let those also who love Your name Be joyful in You. For You, O LORD, will bless the righteous; With favor You will surround him as with a shield.
On June 22, Chen Tianshi, head of a house church in Beijing, was visited by Public Security Bureau police. Police told Chen they had come to “check on his temporary residence certificate.” But Chen told Radio Free Asia that the police had been watching him because of a recent article he had written on the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. In Henan, two members of a house church have been sentenced to one year of re-education through labor on charges of engaging in “cult activities.” A statement by the re-education administrative committee accuses the two believers of teaching “heresies and fallacies” in an organization called Total Scope Church. However, a local believer said the charges were fabricated and the two are not members of Total Scope Church. Pray that believers in China will remain faithful and courageous.
INDIA—Ministry Vehicles Burned by Hindu Extremists—VOM Contacts
Romans 8:34–36
Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written: “For Your sake we are killed all day long; We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”
On June 22, seven vehicles belonging to Jesus With Us Ministries were burned by Hindu extremists in Hosur, Tamil Nadu, according to The Voice of the Martyrs contacts. Hindu extremists reportedly poured gasoline on the vehicles, which were parked in the church compound, and then ignited the fuel. The vehicles were completely gutted by fire. Neighbors alerted the pastor and local police, who investigated the incident. Believers say the arson was probably prompted by a meeting the church held a few days earlier. The vehicles had been used to transport believers to the meetings. Pray for peace between Hindus and Christians in Tamil Nadu. Pray that the church vehicles will be replaced and that the believers’ testimonies will draw Hindus into fellowship with Christ.
Add the PrisonerAlert.com application on Facebook by visiting http://apps.facebook.com/prisoneralert/
Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Putting It In God's Hands
One major thing God has been really laying on my heart this past month and maybe longer than that, but it's really been big this past month for me like a breakthrough where I am really trying to fix this problem in my life: I can't live my life where I always have to be the strong one. That is not what God expects of me. I can't control everyone. I'm not responsible for anyone, only myself. If I let go of this immense burden and put it in God's hands, then it helps me to not feel all the pressure, stress and pain of everyone's issues and mistakes. I have had this problem since I was very young. It's more than just being a strong person and trying to be a good influence for people. It goes beyond that. It's where you feel like the whole world is riding on your shoulders. Everything is up to you. If someone makes a mistake it's your fault. If someone is messing up, it's up to you to fix them. Everything is upon you. I've been learning that is not God's will for my life. There have been times when I believe that God used me to get through to some people, but I don't believe that He expects me to live my live like that where I always have that immense responsibility and pressure from people's individual lives and choices. Once a person becomes an adult, you need to let them learn for themselves, control themselves, otherwise you will always have to baby them in a way. It makes you feel like you have to control them and it makes you upset and worry easily over them. It shouldn't be that way. It doesn't mean to not love them, not care for them. Of course we should love and care and be there for them the best we can. But, we can't control and be responsible for them. So, I think that God has really been trying to get this through to me recently and I've been feeling better since then. It's been helping me to not worry as much about others, to not feel as stressed out, a lot of the pressure if off of me and I'm glad. It's not exactly easy, especially in those moments when it "feels" like you need to step in for that other person like you've always done, but still it feels good to try and give the burden up to God, "put it in God's hands," instead of everything being upon me.
America: 140 Days Of Prayer (In Touch)
140 Days Of Prayer
Join Dr. Charles Stanley and In Touch Ministries as we intercede for our great nation. It is immensely important for believers to seriously consider where we are as a nation and understand the dangerous spiritual tide that is engulfing us.
God has called us to take a stand and appeal to Him on behalf of our country. And as we courageously fight the battle for the soul of our country on our knees, we must remember that He continues to rule over the affairs of this nation and will hear us when we humble ourselves, turn from our sins, and seek His face. Please click here to join this nationwide prayer effort.
May God unify our hearts and answer our cries for the spiritual well-being of the United States of America. And may our great nation return to the Lord, honoring Him from sea to shining sea.
Click here to download the Prayer Guide PDF to find out the specific things we'll be praying for, starting on July 5th.
America's Future
Is America A Christian Nation?
Join Dr. Charles Stanley and In Touch Ministries as we intercede for our great nation. It is immensely important for believers to seriously consider where we are as a nation and understand the dangerous spiritual tide that is engulfing us.
God has called us to take a stand and appeal to Him on behalf of our country. And as we courageously fight the battle for the soul of our country on our knees, we must remember that He continues to rule over the affairs of this nation and will hear us when we humble ourselves, turn from our sins, and seek His face. Please click here to join this nationwide prayer effort.
May God unify our hearts and answer our cries for the spiritual well-being of the United States of America. And may our great nation return to the Lord, honoring Him from sea to shining sea.
Click here to download the Prayer Guide PDF to find out the specific things we'll be praying for, starting on July 5th.
America's Future
Is America A Christian Nation?
7 Secrets of a Successful Marriage
An interview with Drs. Charles and Elizabeth Schmitz regarding their new book entitled Golden Anniversaries: The Seven Secrets of Successful Marriage:
hurricane/tropical storm alex
Hurricane/tropical storm Alex was a category 2 hurricane. I experienced some of this first hand as I live along the Gulf Coast in South Texas. Although, I wasn't in the area that the hurricane hit directly (that was Northern Mexico), I did experience some of the effects that come along with such storms. It brought all the typical affair associated with hurricanes, such as heavy wind, heavy rain, thunderstorms, and threats of flooding and tornadoes. However, it didn't really seem that bad. In fact, besides the few disadvantages of the hurricane, there were also some advantages. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise?...check it out
The oil clean-up in the Gulf has been delayed by Hurricane Alex, but the storm may have helped dissipate some oil.
hurricane alex left a load of seaweed on the beaches but also became like a cleansing of the ocean as it also brought up a lot of junk that was in the ocean from people such as flip flops, styrofoam, frisbees, bottle caps, cigarette lighters, etc. etc.
The oil clean-up in the Gulf has been delayed by Hurricane Alex, but the storm may have helped dissipate some oil.
hurricane alex left a load of seaweed on the beaches but also became like a cleansing of the ocean as it also brought up a lot of junk that was in the ocean from people such as flip flops, styrofoam, frisbees, bottle caps, cigarette lighters, etc. etc.
CEO of Apple Takes a Stand
Steve Jobs Takes a Stand – AMEN!
Every once in a while you come across a profound statement made by a prominent leader that makes you realize that there are still great people in the world today. Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple put his entire reputation on the line by taking a very bold stand regarding the issue of pornography and the decision to block all sites from any of his products. In a world filled with people who would criticize this move and label him a narrow-minded, free speech control freak, I would like to go on the record publicly as saying, “You have got my loyalty and respect!” Here are some thoughts taken from
Jobs has made it clear that he wants to keep pornography off Apple products as much as possible. Obviously Apple can’t control everything its users do, but it can make porn scarcer on its products, and it has done just that.
A British newspaper, The Guardian,reports, “So insistent is Apple [on this policy], many magazine publishers developing ‘apps’ for the new iPad . . . have had to self-censor.”
As you might expect, this has triggered a frenzy among some critics. Ryan Tate, a writer for the Gawker website, sniped at Jobs about suppressing his customers’ “freedom,” prompting Jobs to respond, “Yep, freedom from programs that steal your private data. Freedom from programs that trash your battery. Freedom from porn. Yep, freedom.”
When Tate replied that he didn’t want “freedom from porn,” Jobs answered, “You might care more about porn when you have kids.” In a correspondence with a consumer, Jobs went even further, speaking of his company’s “moral responsibility to keep porn off the iPhone.”
How refreshing it is to see someone who actually gets it—that yes, there are those of us who prefer to be free from the storm of smut that assaults us from every television, computer, and phone screen. The supply of pornographic material is so overwhelming that access to it is certainly not an issue of “freedom” anymore, if it ever was.
Jobs has pointed out that people who want to see porn on their phones, and who want easier access to it on their computers, can easily get all they want if they buy other companies’ products. But as he said in a press conference, “That’s a place we don’t want to go—so we’re not going to go there.”
What Jobs seems to understand, and what his critics seem to be ignoring, is that there’s so much more to pornography than just issues of economics or free speech. It shouldn’t even need to be explained, but apparently for some people it does: Pornography is an ugly, poisonous, degrading business for everyone involved, whether they’re making it, using it, or selling it.
As my colleague Kim Moreland recently mentioned on our blog, The Point, new studies are demonstrating yet again just how dangerous and addictive it can be. It tears at the fabric of marriages and families and of society itself. Its use is connected from everything to higher divorce rates to human trafficking to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
Aside from the occasional reference to protecting kids (which is enough), Steve Jobs didn’t go thoroughly into the reasons for his policy. But for whatever reason, he truly is demonstrating corporate responsibility, the kind that we desperately need more businesses to show in this sex-obsessed society.
May he continue to stand by his principles, and may his tribe increase.
Every once in a while you come across a profound statement made by a prominent leader that makes you realize that there are still great people in the world today. Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple put his entire reputation on the line by taking a very bold stand regarding the issue of pornography and the decision to block all sites from any of his products. In a world filled with people who would criticize this move and label him a narrow-minded, free speech control freak, I would like to go on the record publicly as saying, “You have got my loyalty and respect!” Here are some thoughts taken from
Jobs has made it clear that he wants to keep pornography off Apple products as much as possible. Obviously Apple can’t control everything its users do, but it can make porn scarcer on its products, and it has done just that.
A British newspaper, The Guardian,reports, “So insistent is Apple [on this policy], many magazine publishers developing ‘apps’ for the new iPad . . . have had to self-censor.”
As you might expect, this has triggered a frenzy among some critics. Ryan Tate, a writer for the Gawker website, sniped at Jobs about suppressing his customers’ “freedom,” prompting Jobs to respond, “Yep, freedom from programs that steal your private data. Freedom from programs that trash your battery. Freedom from porn. Yep, freedom.”
When Tate replied that he didn’t want “freedom from porn,” Jobs answered, “You might care more about porn when you have kids.” In a correspondence with a consumer, Jobs went even further, speaking of his company’s “moral responsibility to keep porn off the iPhone.”
How refreshing it is to see someone who actually gets it—that yes, there are those of us who prefer to be free from the storm of smut that assaults us from every television, computer, and phone screen. The supply of pornographic material is so overwhelming that access to it is certainly not an issue of “freedom” anymore, if it ever was.
Jobs has pointed out that people who want to see porn on their phones, and who want easier access to it on their computers, can easily get all they want if they buy other companies’ products. But as he said in a press conference, “That’s a place we don’t want to go—so we’re not going to go there.”
What Jobs seems to understand, and what his critics seem to be ignoring, is that there’s so much more to pornography than just issues of economics or free speech. It shouldn’t even need to be explained, but apparently for some people it does: Pornography is an ugly, poisonous, degrading business for everyone involved, whether they’re making it, using it, or selling it.
As my colleague Kim Moreland recently mentioned on our blog, The Point, new studies are demonstrating yet again just how dangerous and addictive it can be. It tears at the fabric of marriages and families and of society itself. Its use is connected from everything to higher divorce rates to human trafficking to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
Aside from the occasional reference to protecting kids (which is enough), Steve Jobs didn’t go thoroughly into the reasons for his policy. But for whatever reason, he truly is demonstrating corporate responsibility, the kind that we desperately need more businesses to show in this sex-obsessed society.
May he continue to stand by his principles, and may his tribe increase.
Hollywood Prayer Network Newsletter (June)

Dear HPN faithful pray-ers,
It's JUNE and summer has begun for students across America. Let’s pray for the people behind the films that are coming out this month, along with all of the hurting people in our industry whose heartbreaking stories in the news break our hearts. And HAPPY FATHERS DAY TO ALL OF YOU DADS! Be sure to pray for YOUR dad this month.
• Praise God for all of the good fathers in Hollywood, who have loved their children
• Praise God that our HPN KIDS and TEENS PRAYER CALENDARS are being viewed
• HPN's Local Chapters are growing, with 51 chapters around the world
• HPN needs a group of male intercessors to pray for male Christian media pros
• As our children are watching media this summer, let’s pray for them to be wise
• Pray for Steve Jobs as he fights to keep pornography OFF all Apple products
• Pray for the family and wife, Shannon Price, of Gary Coleman, who died last month
• Pray for the family members and friends of Dennis Hopper who died in May
• Pray for Miley Cyrus and her parents as she comes out with “Can’t Be Tamed”
• Pray for Lindsay Lohan who has to wear an alcohol monitoring bracelet
• Please pray for Ted Koppel as he grieves his 40 year old son Andrew’s death
• Pray for Bret Michaels, the American singer, best known as the lead in Poison
• Let’s pray for the protection and wisdom of Ex-Scientologist Amy Scobee
• "Would you please pray for the students graduating with Film degrees this month
• Pray for Celine Dion who is going to have a baby, after much prayer from MN HPN
• Praise God for all of the good fathers in Hollywood, who have loved, nurtured and guided their children to be great artists, decent people and citizens who give back. We thank the Lord for Ron Howard, Tom Hanks, Steve Carell, Will Smith and others who pour into their kids along the way!
• Praise God that our HPN KIDS and TEENS PRAYER CALENDARS (at: http://hollywoodprayernetwork.org/kids-prayer-calendar) are getting over 3,000 views each month. This month we’re focusing on child stars and their DADS. We want to have more kids, parents and youth pastors praying over the names of the cultural influencers on these calendars. So, we would LOVE your feedback. If you read or download either the KIDS or the TEENS prayer calendars, would you email us back (at: info@hpnemail.org) and let us know what you think? If you haven't looked at them yet, would you click on the link above, take a look and then let us know what you think? We really look forward to your comments and your prayers. And would you encourage the young people and parents that you know to check it out these people to pray for? Thanks so much.
• HPN's Local Chapters are growing. We now have 51 chapters around the world. Check out this link and see if there is a chapter near you that you can connect to. Our Local Chapter Directors are awesome volunteers with a heart for prayer and for the media. You'll so enjoy meeting them. Or, if there is no chapter near you then let us know and we'll help you start one! Just go to: http://hollywoodprayernetwork.org/local-chapters
• HPN has a group of wonderful male industry professionals who love the Lord and they are waiting to be matched with an HPN intercessor to pray for them as they pursue their careers in Hollywood. Will any of you MEN be willing to pray for one man in our mission field? Or do any of you women know any man whom you can ask to pray for one male professional? That would be WONDERFUL! Just email Caren@hpnemail.org and we will be SO happy to hear from you!
• As our children are home for the summer, would you pray for them to be wise in how they spend their time with the inter-net, their texting, the films that they watch and the time they spend in front of the TV. And let's pray for the parents as well, especially the Dads; that they know what their kids are doing and watching and they make wise decisions as to what's best for their children. For a list of movies that have or will come out in June, 2010, click on: http://www.themovieinsider.com/movie-releases/june/2010/
• Pray for Steve Jobs as he stands firm on fighting to keep pornography OFF all Apple products. He is doing everything he can too keep it off the iPhone and other i devices. Let's pray that he is honored for his stand and that he will set a new trend amongst other business professionals making media decisions that impact the world. Here is a great article about his stand:
The next six prayer requests show the power that Hollywood has over people who start out just wanting to work as artists and end up hurting themselves and others. HPN encourages you not to hate these people, or judge them, but to see that there is a tremendous spiritual battle in our industry and we need to pray for the Lord to protect, strengthen and give wisdom to the “celebrities” in Hollywood. And we must remember that it is often a curse to be rich and/or famous, for God says that only He is meant to get the glory! Thank you for praying with compassion and love for the thousands of hurting and confused people here who need to experience the transforming power of Jesus. And please pray for the Christians here to get a chance to share the hope of our faith with these people who are struggling just to survive:
• Pray for the family and wife, Shannon Price, of Gary Coleman, who was taken off life support after an intracranial hemorrhage and died on May 28th. He was 42. Gary, the child star of “Diff’rent Strokes” had a life of trouble, pain and heartbreak, struggling with health issues, bankruptcy, a broken family, and trouble with the law. He was another victim of the Hollywood system where trying to live the expected life almost destroyed him. Please pray that Shannon and Gary’s parents will find the Lord in this time of loss. Only He can give them the peace and joy that they need. For more info, click on: http://www.usatoday.com/life/people/obit/2010-05-28-gary-coleman_N.htm?csp=34
• Pray for the family members and friends of Dennis Hopper who died on May 29th at the age of 74, after a long bout with prostate cancer. Dennis was a wild man best known for his hit “Easy Rider” and he lived a complicated and often uncontrollable life. He was married 5 times and even recently told his lawyer to keep his latest wife out of his funeral and his inheritance. There are many sad stories like Dennis’ in Hollywood and we want to pray for these people, not as idols, but as hurting people who desperately need Jesus. For more info, click on http://movies.yahoo.com/news/movies.ap.org/dennis-hopper-creator-hit-easy-rider-dies-ap
• Pray for Miley Cyrus and her parents as they navigate the decisions of Miley’s career and the temptations of our industry along the way. Also, please pray with compassion for this family and other Christians who make choices that we don’t agree with. We need to just put their lives in the Lord’s hands and pray for Him to lead and guide them. Miley just came out with a new CD – “Can’t Be Tamed” which is very controversial and extremely sexual. May God put His arms around her and protect her from the flaming darts of the enemy. And may her father, Billy Ray, guide Miley into wise choices at this crucial turn in her career.
• Pray for Lindsay Lohan who was just ordered by the judge to wear an alcohol monitoring bracelet and submit to random weekly drug testing after she failed to appear for a court date last month. At 23, Lindsay is lost and needs her Heavenly Father for direction, love, peace and joy. She violated the terms of her probation from a 2007 drunk driving case by skipping alcohol education classes. May the Lord give her a Divine purpose for her life. For more info: http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20387820,00.html
• Please pray for Ted Koppel as he grieves his 40 year old son Andrew’s death on June 1st. Andrew, who was an attorney with the city housing authority, died of heavy drinking. He is survived by his girlfriend and their baby daughter. May the Lord use this time in hearts and lives of all of the Koppel’s and Andrew’s loved ones, so that they will seek Him for answers, peace and strength.
• Pray for Bret Michaels, the American singer, best known as the lead vocalist of the glam metal band, Poison. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glam_metal) He has lived the dark and destructive life of a rock musician, suffers from diabetes, recently had a stroke and brain hemorrhage, and has just been told he has a hole in his heart. However, recently Bret has stated that he is contemplating marriage with the mother of his two children with whom he has recently reconciled, believing that he has been given a second chance. If God is giving him a wake up call, let’s pray he reaches out to the Lord!
• Let’s pray for the protection and wisdom of Ex-Scientologist Amy Scobee, who just came out with a book that reveals the details behind Scientology and L. Ron Hubbard. Her book, ‘Scientology, Abuse At the Top,' tells of her experiences in the church for two decades as she worked in the Celebrity Center in Hollywood. She talks about her experiences with Tom Cruise and other Hollywood celebrities. For more info, click on: http://www.popeater.com/2010/05/13/amy-scobee-scientology-book-tom-cruise/?sms_ss=email
• "Would you please pray for the students graduating with Film degrees this month, who are now out searching for jobs in Hollywood. Thanks." Kathy F.
• “A couple of months ago I had asked the HPN MN Local Chapter for prayer for Celine Dion because she and her husband were trying unsuccessfully to have another baby. Well, she is pregnant now with twins! So now I'd like to ask that we pray that this pregnancy will go well and that the babies will be healthy and strong. :)” Kim
• Come out and join us for “LA United,” a night of passionate worship and prayer as we join together to worship God and seek His will for our city. When: Saturday, June 19th, 7-9pm at Metro Church in Santa Monica, CA. For more information email Tyler Lennon at tyler@lcibringlife.org
• Please join us every 2nd and 4th Thurs for prayer in the Wiley Chapel at Hollywood Presbyterian Church. Industry pros get encouraged, prayed for and experience God’s presence through prayer and worship. 7-8pm, everyone welcome. Email Caren@hpnemail.org for more details.
• For other upcoming events in the Christian community in Hollywood, click here: http://hollywoodconnect.com/connection-central and for on-going events in our community click on: http://hollywoodconnect.com/view/OngoingEvents
Thanks so much for your prayers. Remember that you are making an eternal difference in the world by praying for Hollywood. Go tell a friend! And pray for a Dad!
Karen and Caren
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"The greatest persecution of the church doesn't come from enemies on the outside but is born from the sin within the church." -Pope Benedict XVI
"I want all of them to be one with each other, just as I am one with you and you are one with me. I also want them to be one with us. Then the people of this world will believe that you sent me"...JESUS (John 17:21)
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