Antonio believes he survived horrific car-wreck injuries for a reason.
Hollywood Prayer Network Newsletter (November 2012)

November 2012 Newsletter
(Blog Disclaimer: All information, links and photos from Hollywood Prayer Network. Re-posted here for informative/educational purposes only. Subscription info and Official Website: )
Dear HPN members,

is a month to give thanks to God for who He is, for all that He gives,
and all that we are, because of Him. Would you join us in praying for
Hollywood with an attitude of great thanks? God has been doing so many
amazing things in our industry, and we want to be full of thanksgiving!
• We want to PRAISE GOD for two recent HPN events!
• Thank God for the current TV shows that are dealing with solid Biblical themes.
• Thank God for the Bible studies and prayer groups happening in Hollywood.
• I want to apologize for HPN's prayer request last month about horror films.
• Pray for the decisions made at American Film Market (AFM).
• Pray for Caren Bream in her last month on staff at HPN.
• Pray for Tina Fey and Amy Poehler who are co-hosting this year's Golden Globe Awards. 

• Pray for Steven Spielberg, director of the Daniel Day Lewis film, Lincoln.
• Pray for the people who are in the limelight.
• Pray for the Lord to touch the hearts of the people here who don’t believe in Jesus.
• Pray for the employees of Universal Studios who are being laid off.
• Pray for Bob Iger & Disney for their recent purchase Lucas Films for $4.05 billion.
• Pray for upcoming film releases and TV specials airing during the holiday season.
• Thank God for the Twin Cities HPN Local Chapter’s weekly prayer meetings.
• The Greater LA Agency on Deafness wants our help in donating small toys & cookies.
• HPN wants to help the hurting and displaced artists from Hurricane Sandy.
• Check out our list of upcoming events. There is a lot happening in our community!
• We
want to PRAISE GOD for two recent HPN events! We had an amazing prayer
night last Tuesday for industry professionals, and the Lord showed up
powerfully. He encouraged, healed, strengthened and empowered people in
ways that many hadn't experienced before. Then this past Sunday, we had
an afternoon event to share our vision with some wonderful industry
insiders and outsiders, and we were so grateful for the way the Lord
showed up in that place. God is truly moving in Hollywood, and we are
We want to thank God for the current TV shows dealing with solid
Biblical themes. Though HPN doesn't recommend these series to everyone,
we do want to thank God that the writers and producers are seeking
deeper issues, and we want to thank God and ask Him to use these shows
to bring people closer to Him. Boardwalk Empire is a powerful morality tale. A recent episode of Parenthood was dealing with solid Truth. Copper has honorable characters, and Blue Bloods
depicts a strong Catholic family who says Sunday dinner prayers in
almost every episode. Recently, all of these TV shows have presented God
in a
positive way and represent honest Christian
values, though they are not all family shows. God is reaching out to the
late night TV audience and we thank Him for that.
Let’s thank the Lord for all of the Bible studies and prayer groups
happening in Hollywood. Some of the larger groups meeting are Tinseltown
Ministries, Hope4Hollywood, Artisan and Hollywood Ministries. There are
also many home studies and smaller prayer groups that meet all over the
city every week. It's a miracle to know that Christian industry
professionals are gathering for prayer and Bible study almost every day
of the month, and we want to praise God for that! If you lead a study or
prayer group that you’d like us to know about,
email, and we’ll add you to the growing list. For a list of the active ministries in town, click HERE.
• I want to make an apology regarding HPN's prayer request last month about horror films, and I hope those of you who disagree with me will hear my heart. I was approached by a few people I respect greatly about their concern with the wording of that request. And after re-reading it, I agree that in my desire to express my concern for the un-redemptive exploitation of evil in some films, I failed to express my support of Christians reaching the horror film audience through their work in that genre. I also sounded very negative, instead of pointing out the positive. My commitment when I started HPN 11 years ago was to NEVER pray AGAINST anything, but to only pray FOR people and FOR God to work miracles in and through our culture, through the media. I’m sorry that request broke that commitment.
• I want to make an apology regarding HPN's prayer request last month about horror films, and I hope those of you who disagree with me will hear my heart. I was approached by a few people I respect greatly about their concern with the wording of that request. And after re-reading it, I agree that in my desire to express my concern for the un-redemptive exploitation of evil in some films, I failed to express my support of Christians reaching the horror film audience through their work in that genre. I also sounded very negative, instead of pointing out the positive. My commitment when I started HPN 11 years ago was to NEVER pray AGAINST anything, but to only pray FOR people and FOR God to work miracles in and through our culture, through the media. I’m sorry that request broke that commitment.
All horror films deal with evil. Yet some deal with a Biblical perspective of evil, like the ones made by the people we know. There
are wonderful believers in our industry who work in some of the
toughest genres of the business, and HPN supports, encourages and prays
for every one of them. We believe they are working right where they need
to be and that they are approaching the genre with truth, integrity and
wisdom. Some solid members of our community are working in horror
films, soap operas, edgy films and controversial TV shows, and we thank
God for
them and their call to reach the people who would never work on family
fare, or the audience that would never go to “family
films” or watch “family programming.” I can say with confidence that
every Christian I know who works in what some Christians call
“questionable” areas of the entertainment industry are actually making
an eternal difference. God is using them in powerful ways, in the lives
of their co-workers and through the message of the stories, and they are
fulfilling a God-given purpose. There is only pure darkness when there
is no light present!
Christians harshly judge the horror film genre, yet they don't realize
that the people who go to horror films are often faced with tough life
questions that others don't ever deal with. These films address
questions about how to handle real evil, how to understand the reality
of evil and horror in the world, and what they believe about the
spiritual realm. And the Christian writers are presenting those
questions with truth. So, I want to apologize to my friends and any
other people whom I offended by my misworded request. I did you and your
work a
disservice, and I want you to know that I am thankful for the important
part you play in the Body of Christ.
pray that we, as the Church, can support God’s people who work in
tougher areas, embrace these difficult issues, and seek God when pushed
out of our comfort zone. We will be more effective and loving in the
world if we support all the parts of the Body. Here are two respected
articles I recommend on the spiritual issues of horror films, written by
and about two friends in our community. For an interview with Scott
Derrickson in Christianity Today, click HERE. For a theologically rich apologetic of horrow by Brian Godawa, click HERE.
• Pray for the decisions made at the annual American Film Market (AFM) in Santa Monica, CA, Nov. 1-8th. AFM’s
The American Institute (AFI) had a large festival of new International
films as well. The AFM is the largest gathering of filmmakers,
distributors, marketers, buyers and sellers in the world. Many films
were bought and sold that week. Would you pray that the deals that
continue to be made are for films with
themes of truth, beauty, hope and joy, and that the Christians involved
will bring integrity and honesty to the ongoing negotiations and
contracts. For more info, click HERE.

• We have big news from HPN: This is Caren Bream's last month officially on staff at HPN. After five years of dedicated
service and incredible love, she is moving on to do more producing and
ministry on her own. She has been an invaluable part of HPN, and we want
to thank her for pouring her life into this ministry and ask God to
bless her richly as she launches out on her own, trusting Him for her
next step. Would you pray for her in
this transition and ask the Lord to lead her, guide her and encourage
her every step of the way? She will stay an active part of our community
and our ministry, though now as a leader in her own right. We look
forward to all that the Lord has in store, both for Caren and for HPN.
Lisa and Karen are holding down the HPN fort and anticipating a great
future for all of us! You can tell Caren that you’ll miss her by

Pray for Tina Fey and Amy Poehler who were just announced as co-hosts
of this year's Golden Globe Awards on Jan. 13th. Tina and Amy are both
talented comedians, and we ask the Lord to lead their writing, their
performing and their life choices as they make the world smile. For more
info, click HERE.
• A great film of the season is Lincoln, starring Daniel Day Lewis and directed by Steven Spielberg. Steven’s films reflect
his own life journey, and this film in some ways reflect his
relationship with his own father.
Let’s pray for Spielberg, Lewis and other creative professionals to be
able to understand that their own personal spiritual journeys start with
the relationship with their parents. It’s easier to embrace our heavenly Father if we were able to embrace our earthly fathers. And, we have to heal the relationships with our own fathers before we can expect to fully love God, our Father. For a great interview with Spielberg about his father and Lincoln, click HERE.

• Pray
for the people in the limelight who have a much more difficult lives
than many on the outside realize. Here is a comment from a friend whose
child is a celebrity in the industry: "Hollywood is a lonely place, and
fame and success is a lightening rod. Because I know you are praying, I
don't feel so alone in our struggles." Would you lift up the high
profile people who appear to have the “perfect life” but are really
struggling in ways that are much deeper than we imagine? Also, we want
to keep praying for Justin Bieber and
his mom, Pattie, for they need the Lord to guide them, give them wisdom,
and carry them through difficult decisions.
• Pray for the Lord to touch the hearts of the people here who don’t believe in Jesus or are angry with God, and stir them
they cannot rest until they find the unconditional love of Jesus, their
Messiah. There are so many hardened hearts here because of
disappointment, divorce or despair, and only the Lord
can soften them so that they are able to be open to Him.

• Pray
for the employees in the Feature Film Division of Universal Studios who
are being laid off. Since Universal purchased Comcast, they are now
switching their focus to producing more TV shows than feature films.
Hence they already had one big lay-off and they are planning another one
in January, 2013. Many studio employees, including friends from our
community, have or will lose their jobs at a difficult time of year in
our country. May the Lord give them hope, strength and guidance when
trying to decide what to do next.
• As
Universal cuts back their Film Division, Disney expands theirs by
purchasing all of Lucas Films and their Intellectual Property and
Rights. Let’s keep pray for Bob Iger and the decision-makers, after
spending $4.05 billion, to maintain wisdom and
integrity in their decisions with making the next three Star Wars
films, with marketing, merchandising, etc. May the Lord lead and guide
their steps. For more info, click HERE.
• Please
pray for upcoming film releases and TV specials in the holiday season
as we get more opportunities to talk about Jesus through what’s offered
in our culture’s entertainment. Keep your eyes out for TV Specials,
features and films released on DVD that talk about Christmas. Some new
family films include:
May we take every opportunity to have discussions with friends and family about the true meaning of Christmas.
The Twin Cities HPN Local Chapter is meeting weekly for prayer, and
they are flourishing. That's great news and we thank the Lord for
Heidi's leadership and the eternal difference they are all making
through their faithful prayers for our industry, their monthly media
missionaries and their Target Redemption Prayers each week. Click HERE for the latest TRP.
• The
Greater Los Angeles Agency on Deafness (GLAD) is requesting our help
in donating small toys and cookies that fit into goodie bags to be
given to 200 deaf children in low income families this Christmas at
GLAD's 29th Annual Holiday Party on Dec. 15th. They also need
volunteers to help stuff bags. If you would like to participate,
please email Rafif Gerrard at or call him at (323) 892-2312.
• Please
pray for the people on the East Coast who have experienced loss or
been displaced by Hurricane Sandy. Many New York artists have been
hurt, artists and musicians have lost supplies, instruments and other
means of income, and many people have lost their homes or their jobs
because of the devastation. Let's pray for the Lord to supply for
these hurting artists. We thank the International Arts Movement (IAM)
who immediately jumped in to help the creative community. HPN has
partnered with IAM in NYC in order to more directly help our East Coast
friends and colleagues. IAM is working with
individuals and local churches and facilitating ways to reach the
marginalized, including non-Christians and non-church going
believers who may be affected by the storm. Would you not only pray
for them as they reach out, but also consider donating funds toward
the cause? You can make a direct difference by giving to IAM as they
reach the personal and spiritual needs of the hurting NYC creative
community. To find out how, click HERE.
IAM encourages artists of any discipline to express your feelings of
these devastations through creating a song, a painting, a video, a
sculpture, etc. IAM will post your work on their site for viewing and
discussion about the struggles artists experience. They encourage you
to do that. For more info about IAM ang the work they do, click HERE.
• Christians
are gathering at Dodgers Stadium this Sunday, Nov. 18th with the
event GO2BAT4LIFE! More than 25k people will come together for a
prayer walk around the stadium to listen to the music of Lincoln
Brewster, Christafari, and speakers young and old talk about their
experience with pregnancy. Please pray for this event,
that God will move everyone's hearts to value every life, especially at
the center of Hollywood! For more information, click HERE.
• The
HPN Miami Local Chapter is helping with the March 2013 International
Christian Film Festival. This festival is a great opportunity to
recognize and market Christian films. It covers different categories
of productions, and they would like to invite Christian filmmakers
from all over the world to participate. To find out more info, click HERE.
• For other upcoming events, click HERE.
a very thankful Thanksgiving! And may this month bring you God's full
riches in your heart and spirit, and may you see the miracles and
breakthroughs that we're starting to see more in Hollywood. 

With deep thanks,
Karen, Caren and Lisa
------------------------------ ---
What’s the key to loving people to Jesus? HOSPITALITY.
What’s the key to loving people to Jesus? HOSPITALITY.
fear the day when the technology overlaps with our humanity. The
world will only have a generation of idiots.” Albert Einstein

although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave
thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish
hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise,
they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for
images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals
and reptiles." Romans 1:21-23

(Blog Disclaimer: All information and links from Hollywood Prayer
Network. Re-posted here for informative/educational purposes only.)
This message was sent from:
Hollywood Prayer Network
1763 N. Gower St.
Hollywood, CA 90028
United States
Rogue Saints (Trailer)
Christian film, winner of a San Diego Film Fest award and now available on DVD.
Rogue Saints is about two guys, Nick and Dylan, who set out to steal a gigantic diamond buried in the basement of a church. As the duo bumbles their way through their plans, they find that the people they’re trying to dupe are actually what they both need – quirky, chaotic, and imperfect, but loving and lovable… the family they’ve been looking for. Rogue Saints takes a comedic look at church people, church culture and the way God’s love really does change everything.
"Rogue Saints" received 4 out of 5 Doves from the Dove Foundation and is approved for all ages. Read about it here!
Voice of the Martyrs Prayer Update for Week of November 16, 2012
is the pulse of life; by it the doctor can tell what is the condition
of the heart. The sin of prayerlessness is a proof for the ordinary
Christian or minister that the life of God in the soul is in deadly
sickness and weakness." - Andrew Murray "praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints" - Ephesians 6:18 |
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Jack Van Impe Presents #1247 Special Thanksgiving Episode
(c) J.V.I. Ministries - - Jack Van Impe Presents #1247 (2012-11-17)
Current Product Offer: "The Jack Van Impe Prophecy Bible" (3rd Edition); which can be purchased by phoning the telephone number on the video or by going to the JVIM Ministry online store:
Thanks to CallOutToJesus on YouTube for uploading the video.
The official video stream can be found on in the section for 'TV Program'
Manna Fest w/Perry Stone: #632 The Melchisedec Priesthood (11-16-2012)
Official video from Perry Stone's YouTube page. Official stream can also be found on his website here:
Thanks to Perry Stone/VOE Ministries.
John Paul Jackson - Prophecy Overview w/Details (2012)
From January 2012. Amazing and eye-opening background story and prophecy particularly focusing on America's future. We need to turn to God.
CBN Christian World News: Week of November 9, 2012
On Christian World News, Nov. 9: N. Korean believer's tale of persecution survival; Church demolished: Russia's fading religious freedom; Mohler: Election a 'catastrophe' for moral issues; and more... The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN
Voice of the Martyrs Prayer Updates for Week of 11/9/12
is the pulse of life; by it the doctor can tell what is the condition
of the heart. The sin of prayerlessness is a proof for the ordinary
Christian or minister that the life of God in the soul is in deadly
sickness and weakness." - Andrew Murray "praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints" - Ephesians 6:18 |
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Hal Lindsey Report (11-9-12): America's Choice, the Perfect Storm, America Vulnerable, A Sitting Duck?
From Hal Lindsey Media Ministries e-Newsletter, november 9, 2012. To subscribe go to the official Hal Lindsey Media Ministry website at:
On Tuesday, more than 119 million Americans filed into polling places across the nation and cast their ballots. Though the voters faced myriad initiatives, referenda, proposals, and a dizzying array of candidates ranging from councilmen to constables to Congressmen, the one race that fixated the entire nation was the race for the White House.
The challenger, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, had been campaigning for more than two years. Some would argue that the incumbent, President Barack Obama, had been campaigning for four years. But few can argue with the notion that this campaign was perhaps the most divisive in the history of American presidential politics. It was also the most expensive. When all is said and done, upwards of three billion dollars has been spent by both sides in the race for the Presidency.
Pundits across the political spectrum thought that Governor Romney might actually unseat President Obama. No president has ever won re-election with an unemployment rate this high. No president has ever won re-election with an approval rating this low.
Yet, once again, Americans shrugged off conventional wisdom. They expressed their preference for four more years of the policies that have brought the United States to the precipice of the fiscal cliff. In the end, President Obama won re-election by convincing just over 50% of the voters that the policies and plans that didn't work in his first term would somehow work in his second.
But the question on the minds of many of this program's viewers must be, "Where do we go from here?" The past four years have seen a marked increase in the erosion of many of our basic rights, values, and traditions. This administration has expressed almost unprecedented hostility toward Israel, traditional marriage, gun owners, small business owners and entrepreneurs, corporations, the energy industry, pro-lifers, and Christian institutions. And now that the President doesn't have to worry about facing another election, who knows how that hostility will be expressed.
I have long said that there is no nation resembling America described by the Bible prophets in these last days. That means that the US must decline from its current preeminence and be crippled or destroyed by a catastrophic economic collapse or some sort of debilitating attack. I fear that now we are on the fast track to that disaster.
But even if Governor Romney had been elected, I don't believe it would have stopped America's slide -- perhaps just slowed it a bit. The bottom line is that America is failing because its people are turning their backs on God and are consumed with satisfying their own wants and desires. The concerted efforts of the Left to push God out of our public consciousness are succeeding and, sadly, gaining momentum.
I believe the only real hope that remains for America's future is if God's people - and there are millions of us - will do as He asked. In 2 Chronicles 7:14, God says that if we will humble ourselves before Him, seek His face, and turn from our sinful ways, then He will forgive our sin and heal our land. Notice, He didn't say if the "leaders of my people will humble themselves" He said, "If my people." That's you and me.
So let's not lose hope and be discouraged. There is a way out and, more importantly, a way up. It's called "the blessed hope." Paul said that if we have hope in this life only, we'll be of all men most miserable. But our hope is in Christ's soon return to catch us all away to be with Him for eternity. And that will be better than any election night victory party!
Oh, yes, this week I'll also be discussing Superstorm Sandy and how it highlights America's glaring vulnerability; the growing threat that Iran poses to the United States itself; and what both of these situations may indicate about America's future.
Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, Inspiration, CPM Network, various local stations, or Please check your local listings.
Once again, remember to keep an eye on my website. You can find the top stories of the week so you can stay informed about what's happening in the world. Also, each week I post brief video commentaries about interesting Bible questions and hot topics. So check out "Hal on the Hot Seat" at . And, of course, you can always find the current edition of "The Hal Lindsey Report," as well as archived editions, on demand.
God Bless,
Hal Lindsey
mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147
(Blog Disclaimer: I own nothing. All information from Hal Lindsey Media Ministries. Re-posted here for informative purposes only.
These videos can also be found on the official website:
Thanks to OmniChristianVids3 on YouTube for uploading the video to YouTube.
Jack Van Impe Presents #1246 (11-10-12)
(c) J.V.I. Ministries - - Jack Van Impe Presents #1246 (2012-11-10)
Ross Perot says the U.S. is headed for disaster...
The U.S. quietly bolstering presence in the Persian Gulf...
Russia will not renew arms deal with U.S....
Current Product Offer: "The Jack Van Impe Prophecy Bible" (3rd Edition); which can be purchased by phoning the telephone number on the video or by going to the JVIM Ministry online store:
Thanks to CallOutToJesus on YouTube for uploading the video.
The official video stream can be found on in the section for 'TV Program'
Manna Fest w/Perry Stone (11-09-12) #631 "Tales From the Crypt"
Official video from Perry Stone's YouTube page. Official stream can also be found on his website here:
Thanks to Perry Stone/VOE Ministries.
CBN Christian World News - Week of November 2, 2012
On Christian World News, Nov. 2: Christians flee Egypt as the Muslim Brotherhood gains influence; Operation Blessing helping victims of Hurricane Sandy; The first Mormon president? Does faith matter?; and more... The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN
Voice of the Martyrs Prayer Update for Week of November 2, 2012
is the pulse of life; by it the doctor can tell what is the condition
of the heart. The sin of prayerlessness is a proof for the ordinary
Christian or minister that the life of God in the soul is in deadly
sickness and weakness." - Andrew Murray "praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints" - Ephesians 6:18 |
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Hal Lindsey Report (11-02-2012): Called to "Watch;" Not All Religions Equal; Christian, Citizen; Plan of Action
From Hal Lindsey Media Ministries e-Newsletter, november 2, 2012. To subscribe go to the official Hal Lindsey Media Ministry website at:
Everywhere I go, people are telling me that they believe next week's election will be the most important in their lifetimes. Several critical moral and spiritual issues will be influenced by the man chosen to be the next President of the United States.
Among others, these issues include the defense of Biblical marriage, the sanctity of life, the freedom of religion and speech, and the maintenance or dismantling of our historic and successful economic system. The next President may also appoint at least two new Supreme Court justices. That alone will affect our nation for the next 30 years.
This week, I have chosen to address the responsibilities you and I, as Christians and citizens, bear in these critical days. To do so, I have selected four individual reports that I've recorded over the past 30 months. Each of them speaks to an issue or our individual roles in the upcoming days and months.
"Called to Watch" -- When the Lord called me to the prophetic ministry many decades ago, I knew that while the "big news" was the Good News, it would be carried in on ever-increasing waves of bad news.
The "big news" is that Jesus Christ is coming back and He's coming back soon. I believe that the Bible indicates that many of those of the generation that saw Israel become a nation in 1948 will still be alive at the coming of the Lord. That's the Good News.
But I've reached the conclusion that we're in the final days of the Church Age by watching the onrush of the "signs of the times" as detailed by Jesus Himself -- all of which are "bad news" events. Of course, these include things like earthquakes, famines, plagues, global weather pattern changes, ethnic strife, hot wars, cold wars, and the global rejection of Biblical truth.
Because time is short and there is so much to lose, God called "watchmen" to stand on the wall, as it were, watch for approaching danger, and, when they spot it, sound the alarm to warn the oblivious townsmen, the blissfully ignorant.
There is a special crown -- or reward -- promised to those who answer the calling and faithfully warn those around them that, according to the "signs of the times," Jesus Christ's return is fast approaching.
I know that many of you are called of God to be "watchmen" in these last days. Don't make light of that burden you carry. It's important that the blissfully ignorant hear and are stirred from their apathy. It may not be pleasant to sometimes be considered the bearer of bad tidings. It may be frustrating, even frightening, but God knew you could handle it. That's why He called you.
Be like Moses, whom God said chose to "endure ill-treatment" because he considered the "reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt; for he was looking to the reward." (Hebrews 11:24-26)
"Not All Religions Equal" -- You know, the Left just loves to trot out their misinterpretation of the "wall of separation" anytime anyone mentions God or Jesus. They claim the utterance of those words by anyone remotely connected with any sort of political governing body in the United States constitutes an establishment of religion, which is prohibited by the First Amendment to the Constitution.
However, no one complains when it seems that each and every government official who has occupied office since 9/11 loudly and repeatedly proclaims that "Islam is a religion of peace and love." That sounds to me like a theological judgment. How is that not an "establishment of religion?" Oh, I see. The "separation clause" applies only to Christianity. I guess it takes a Liberal lawyer or a sitting judge to see it. You know, they're the ones who tell us that just because we don't see it in the Constitution doesn't mean it's not there!
"Christian. Citizen." -- Occasionally, someone e-mails to complain that I'm too political on the program. Some say that I should be loving people into the Kingdom of God (and I don't argue with that), rather than warning our nation about what I see looming on the horizon. A couple have told me that I should be supportive of the leadership in our country and trust God to make them see the errors in their thinking. (Imagine saying that to the ancient prophets! They declared the errors directly to the leaders themselves!) Well, this week, I'll explain to you why I continue to sound the alarm about the dangers inherent in the direction this administration is leading our nation, not only in our relationship with Israel, but on many moral, cultural, and spiritual issues. And I'll tell you why I think God expects more from Christian citizens than ordinary ones.
"Plan of Action" -- After a recent plea for Americans, particularly Christians, to stand up and be counted in the fight for America's liberty, some of you wrote to ask me what you can do. This week, I'm going to lay out a simple "plan of action" that all of us can follow in the coming days, weeks, and months. You may think you're too old, too young, too uninformed, too tongue-tied, too poor, too rich, too pious, not pious enough, or too-whatever to make a difference. Well, you're too wrong! You CAN make a difference. And you might be surprised how easy it really is.
As time winds down toward our nation's hour of decision, please pray with me that God will look upon our land with mercy and compassion. Pray that He will heal us and allow us to continue to be a beacon of hope and the bearer of "Good News" to the world. I firmly believe God raised up America for this purpose and has sustained us with His hand.
Then, get up and go VOTE! Study the issues that will be decided in your local elections. Inform yourself about what the candidates believe. Then, vote for the ones who most closely reflect your own values and opinions on the issues.
It is vitally important that you vote for the candidates who will DO what is necessary to protect our traditional values and uphold the Judeo-Christian principles upon which this nation is founded. We do not have the luxury of choosing between candidates whose spiritual traditions match our own. Some may profess a traditional American religious heritage, but their policies betray that position. Others may follow religious traditions outside the American mainstream, but their policies and actions uphold the values we hold dear.
Don't get stuck on labels. Choose the one whose actions will protect and preserve the traditions and values you treasure.
Then, on Tuesday, VOTE your conscience and vote the Bible's position on the issues.
Finally, stay encouraged in the Lord. Remember, no matter what happens on November 6, America will still be here on November 7. And God will still be in control! In the greater scheme of things, that's all that matters.
God bless America!
Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, Inspiration, CPM Network, various local stations, or Please check your local listings.
Once again, remember to keep an eye on my website. You can find the top stories of the week so you can stay informed about what's happening in the world. Also, each week I post brief video commentaries about interesting Bible questions and hot topics. So check out "Hal on the Hot Seat" at . And, of course, you can always find the current edition of "The Hal Lindsey Report," as well as archived editions, on demand.
God Bless,
Hal Lindsey
mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147
(Blog Disclaimer: I own nothing. All information from Hal Lindsey Media Ministries. Re-posted here for informative purposes only.
These videos can also be found on the official website:
Thanks to OmniChristianVids3 on YouTube for uploading the video to YouTube.
Jack Van Impe Presents #1245 (11-03-2012)
(c) J.V.I. Ministries - - Jack Van Impe Presents #1245 (2012-11-3)
60 million in Sandy's path of destruction...
Headlines from #1232 (2012-08-04) :
We will wipe Christianity from the face of the earth...
Iranian leader states "We must prepare for end of times"...
Iran says "There will be war and we will win"...
Current Product Offer: "The President of Change Shortchanges America"; which can be purchased by phoning the telephone number on the video or by going to the JVIM Ministry online store:
Thanks to CallOutToJesus on YouTube for uploading the video.
The official video stream can be found on in the section for 'TV Program'
Manna Fest w/Perry Stone #630 (11-02-2012): "Insight into the Amazing Race"
Official video from Perry Stone's YouTube page. Official stream can also be found on his website here:
Thanks to Perry Stone/VOE Ministries.
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