Jack and Rexella Van Impe address the issue of President Barack Obama's faith. Why do 50% of Americans question if Obama really is a Christian? Is he a Christian or not? What does he believe in? Jack Van Impe sets the record straight. Now, I was not one of those people that said 'Oh he's not a Christian' because I really didn't know. But, I did question it. After seeing this program which addresses the issue, which shows quotes from Obama himself, it is clear that Obama is not professing true Christianity. It appears that Obama either isn't sure on what the Bible teaches and doesn't understand what it takes to be saved, or he does know and simply rejects it.
In an interview with the Chicago Sun-Times, he was asked what he believes in. He said, "I'm rooted in the Christian tradition, but there are many paths to the same place, heaven." (True Christianity teaches that there is only way way to Heaven and that is Jesus John 14:6). Later, when asked if he believes in heaven, he said, "I don't presume to have knowledge about what happens after I die." (True Christianity teaches that there is indeed a very real place called Heaven and that if you are saved then you can have confidence that you will go there). When asked who Jesus is to him, he said: "A historical figure, a bridge between God and man, a wonderful teacher." (Okay, but what about Lord and Savior of the world? Actually, come to think of it, sounds like a mix of different religious beliefs in there). In USA Today, he said, "I can't accept the idea of hell. I don't respect the bigotry of the Apostle Paul in the Book of Romans." (There are hundreds of instances in the Bible where it mentions hell. Jesus taught and warned that hell is a real place and that many people go there. The Apostle Paul wasn't a bigot at all. All he did was preach the Word as he was moved by the Holy Spirit).
What Obama is saying is not Christianity at all. His grandparents, who spent part of Obama's life raising him, were Baptists/Methodists and turned to the unitarian church later in life. The unitarian church does not teach Biblical doctrine. None of this surprises me now. What is the point in all of this? The ultimate point is that we need to pray for Obama and his family. I don't know his heart and I don't know him personally, but it's obvious from his statements that he is way off.
Part 1
Part 2
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