August 2012 Newsletter
Dear HPN Members,
Oh my goodness, it’s HOT in Hollywood. We hope you’re having a wonderful end to your summer and that you enjoy the start of the new school year and the new Fall TV season coming up this month. Let’s pray for the new television shows and all the people behind the seasons as we start Fall 2012!
• Praise God for Radiance International - a 24/7 Prayer Room
• Praise God for the joy of watching the Summer Olympics on TV
• Thank the Lord for a great 2 hour prayer walk around Hollywood last month
• Thank you so much for praying with us for the victims in Aurora, CO
• Praise God for Petra Anderson’s miracle in Aurora
• Pray for the new TV season starting in September
• Pray for Sylvester Stalone and his family as they grieve the death of son, Sage
• Pray for Comcast, the owner of Universal Studios
• Pray for the surge of Bible stories becoming TV shows and Hollywood films
• Let’s pray for the non-believers who are working on these biblical stories
• Pray for Christians across America to take back the Arts
• Pray for comedian, John Fugelsang, as he launches a new TV series
• Pray for the character of believers and those with no faith in Hollywood
• Please pray for HPN’s first donor and dear friend Ava, who is very sick
• Pray for the people who are suffering from supporting Chic-Fil-A
• “Could you please pray for a longtime client of mine and friend of 17 years
• Pray for the exciting growth and the current needs of HPN
• Don’t miss our local upcoming events
• Praise God for Radiance International – a 24/7 Prayer Room, in and for Hollywood. Pray that they get known all across our industry and that it continues to make an eternal difference in our industry because of their commitment to pray! For more info on how to get involved click HERE.
• Praise God for the joy of watching the Summer Olympics on TV. It is a gift to us to be able to share in the world’s most unifying sports event up close for 17 days. We must thank God for what is good on television and this is the perfect time to do that.
• Thank the Lord for a great 2 hour prayer walk around Hollywood last month through the multi-church and ministry event called “Serve the City.” We had 5 teams of prayer walkers on the streets of Hollywood walking and praying for the people, the projects, the stores and the struggles of our famous city and it was miraculous. Thanks to all of you who participated and thanks to Dion at Ecclesia for inviting HPN to co-host the event.
• Thank you so much for praying with us for the victims, their families and the professionals in Hollywood who were all personally impacted by the tragic shootings in Aurora, Colorado during the Batman screening. Please keep praying. We got an interesting response the day after the shooting from an HPN member who is currently working in Bollywood: “I am in India at our overseas studio – the Colorado shooting is front page over here – very, very sad. Even with Bollywood (here in Hyderabad it’s “Tollywood” – different language). Just reminded of the effect around the world.” Rob
We wanted to point out one of the many miracles that did happen during the shooting, as a reminder that even though God must allow free will, He does show up and He does walk us through horrible times. An HPN member and industry professional Chloe, told us about her sister, Petra Anderson, who was one of victims in the theatre. As you read her story, will you pray for Petra and the Anderson family and praise God for His reminders that He is still in control of our broken world. Her prayer request is below. http://bstrait. miracle-inside-the-the-aurora- shooting-one-victims-story/
Here is Chloe’s prayer request for HPN: “We are so incredibly grateful about how much help and support has poured in to our family in the middle of all of this. As for our family, I would really actually appreciate prayers as I try to help my family navigate the media storm that has surrounded this story. We are trying to learn how to SHOW, not tell how our faith has impacted this whole situation in a way that is winsome and not “holier-than-thou” or Bible thumping, and it’s a tight rope. I so want to be able to use this opportunity that God has given us, and use it wisely. Please pray for grace and wisdom as we navigate all this.” Chloe
Here is Chloe’s prayer request for HPN: “We are so incredibly grateful about how much help and support has poured in to our family in the middle of all of this. As for our family, I would really actually appreciate prayers as I try to help my family navigate the media storm that has surrounded this story. We are trying to learn how to SHOW, not tell how our faith has impacted this whole situation in a way that is winsome and not “holier-than-thou” or Bible thumping, and it’s a tight rope. I so want to be able to use this opportunity that God has given us, and use it wisely. Please pray for grace and wisdom as we navigate all this.” Chloe
If you want more information about a Relief Fund helping the Aurora victims and their families, click HERE.
• Let’s pray for the new TV season starting in September! We want shows that lift up the human spirit to do well, we want the people working on all the shows to find Jesus’s unconditional love in their lives, and we want to see God’s presence in the lives of the creators of today’s television. As you pray, check out the schedule of all the new and returning shows this season.
• Please pray for Sylvester Stalone and his family as they grieve the death of his teenage son, Sage. Stalone became a Christian a few years ago and so we ask the Lord to comfort him and give him supernatural strength as he goes through this devastating loss. For more information, click HERE.
• Comcast, the owner of Universal Studios, is looking into a change in the Universal regime and we ask that you pray for the decisions to be wise and positive for Universal. Corporate leaders of major media companies impact our entire nation, because it impacts the TV shows and films that are produced there. Please pray for the leadership of Comcast and of Universal and ask the Lord to fill them with His thoughts, desires, ideas and choices. For more info. click HERE.
• We are seeing a surge of Bible stories becoming TV shows and films in Hollywood. As a Christian audience, we need to pray, and we also must support these films. Buying a ticket to a film is your vote, sending the message that you like these types of films. Below are seven studio films and network TV shows to pray for. Would you lift up all of the people behind these exciting biblical projects as they are produced in the secular media:
1) “God and Kings,” the Moses story directed by Steven Spielberg, to be released in 2013.
2) “Moses,” directed by Ridley Scott
3) “Goliath” is in Development and will be Directed by Scott Derrickson
4) “The Redemption of Cain,” in development with Will Smith, who would make his directorial debut, based on the biblical tale of brothers Cain and Abel.
5) “Noah,” starring Russell Crowe and directed by Darren Aronofsky, as they continue production. For more info. on how Aronofsky wants to “honor God” through the film, read:
6) “The American Bible Challenge” series that premieres August 23rd on The Game Show Network (GSNTV), hosted by Jeff Foxworthy.
7) “The Bible,” by known Reality TV Producer Mark Burnett. Pray for Mark, his wife, Roma Downey (from “Touched By An Angel), and the whole cast and crew of the upcoming 10 part TV series on The History Channel, as they complete production. This epic story has become the most important project Mark and Roma have ever done and we want to pray for them in the process. They need wisdom, strength, favor, focus, creativity, resources and support for this huge endeavor. We also need to watch it when it airs. For more info click HERE.
• Let’s pray for the non-believers who are working on these biblical stories. May the truth penetrate into their hearts. Please pray for the Christians on these films and TV shows to be Christ-like in all they do and say. They are being watched. Pray for the audience to support these Bible story films so that the studios and networks see that they are marketable topics and stories!
• Please pray for the Christians across America to join a growing understanding and movement of the need for us to take back the Arts. God is doing a new thing in the hearts of Christians and we are beginning to realize that we need to not only engage in culture with a confident and creative world view, but we need to create and support great works of art. God speaks to us through the arts. We must support talented artists who are Christians. We can do this by encourage one another to work in the arts, support the arts and artists financially, and attend good movies, great art exhibits, fine television shows, beautiful dance and music concerts, opera, plays and museums. We need to become Patrons of the Arts once again. God is leading us back to impacting culture through being more engaged with the Arts. HPN encourages you to join His movement through prayer and action. For more information on a great book to read, click HERE. For more information on how you can become more actively involved as a Patron of the Arts, to support and encourage quality programming, without being negative or judgmental, join HPN’s support of a new movement out of Hollywood called As1.
• Let’s pray for both believers and those with no faith in Hollywood, and pray for the personal character of the people here, so that they BECOME who God created them to BE, and not just DO what we think they should. So, here are TEN QUALITIES that the Lord finds important in all of His creations. Could you pray that the Lord instills these into the people creating culture across the globe!
1. Purity
2. Nobility
3. Loveliness
4. Righteousness
5. Excellence
6. Goodness
7. Integrity
8. Selflessness
9. Self Control
10. Truthfulness
• Please pray for HPN’s first donor and dear friend Ava, who is very sick and needs a miracle. She has been battling a very strange and serious health issue for several months. It has taken its toll on her body – and her spirit. She has been experiencing a slow deterioration of her body and is not making progress. Ava’s daughter Lisa asked that we all pray in hope and joy. Ava, Ed and daughters Lisa, Jennifer and Karen know that prayer does matter!
• Let’s pray for the people who are suffering from supporting Chic-Fil-A. Three friends of HPN have asked for our prayers as they navigate their responses to nasty press about their stand on the issue. Melissa Reeves (of 'Days of our Lives") and Scott Reeves (of "General Hospital") have recently been crucified in the press when Melissa posted on Twitter that she and her family stopped by Chic-fil-a and then she said "I thank God we live in a country where we have freedom of speech." May the Lord give Melissa and Scott confidence and favor as they stand firm. And may the Lord bring people to Him through this.
• “Could you please pray for a longtime client of mine and friend of 17 years, she's a high profile actress and her husband owns a successful studio in town. Her parents were burned to death in their home 3 weeks ago in LA. It was a horrific tragedy and the actress and her husband really need support in prayers. They are not believers but are begging for prayers. And I also want to say the right things to comfort them and show them God’s love. Thanks.” Howie
• HPN is experiencing and exciting time of growth, opportunities, and open doors. It’s become very clear that Karen and Caren need to spend more time praying with people one–on-one and ministering more to Industry professionals. The only way we can do this is to hire a part-time Administrative Asst. And we've found someone whom we believe is the perfect person. But we need additional funds to cover her salary. Would you join with us in asking the Lord to bring us people who understand our need and want to donate funds to specifically help pay for our new Admin.? We know that this step forward will make a big difference in our ministry and we also know that with God NOTHING is impossible. Thanks for praying with us. We can’t wait to see what He has in store!!!!
If you would like to donate to HPN, we would be so grateful to have you as a part of BOTH our praying team and/or giving team. Click HERE and it will lead you to our donation page. And remember that HPN is a non-profit, 501c3 corporation and all donations are tax-deductible.
• Christian Women in Media (CWIM) is a nationwide organization. HPN Board Member Kathleen Cooke runs the Hollywood branch. The 2012/13 four, quarterly dinner events, are scheduled for Sept. 20th, Nov.1, Feb. 7th, and June 14th. If you want more information on how to get involved or to sign up for the upcoming event on Sept. 20th in Studio City, click HERE.
• For other upcoming events in our Hollywood community, click HERE.
Thanks for praying with us and for us this month:
Karen and Caren
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In 2009, Biola Magazine asked the question, "Why should we pray for Hollywood?" Now in 2012 the message is the same: Read why we should all be praying for Hollywood click HERE.
“The value of consistent prayer is not that He will hear us, but that we will hear Him.” -- William McGill
“The value of consistent prayer is not that He will hear us, but that we will hear Him.” -- William McGill
VERSE OF THE MONTH: (This is why we’re excited to see so many films and TV shows coming out, based on the Word of God:) "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." Hebrews 4:12 (NIV)
This message was sent from:
Hollywood Prayer Network
1763 N. Gower St.
Hollywood, CA 90028
United States
(Blog Disclaimer: I own nothing. All information and links from the Hollywood Prayer Network Newsletter. Please go to the official website here:
1 comment:
Thoughtful blog thanks for posting
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