September 2012 Newsletter
Dear HPN,
It’s September – that’s a big month for television in Hollywood. It launches the new TV Fall Season, the Emmys, and the realization that if you haven’t landed a job on a series by now, it could be many more months of unemployment. So, let’s pray for the people in television!
• Thanks for praying for "The Great American Bible Challenge"
• Praise God for HPN's new Administrative Assistant, Lisa Petersen
http://www. files/user27/Aster_ MonteCasino.jpg
• We thank God for those of you who joined our giving team last month
• Sept. 23rd is the TV event of the year, the 64th annual Emmy Awards
• In prep for the Emmys, pray for the 23 new shows on the air
• Pray for people watching the new shows this season
• Pray for network executives to get hungry for the Lord
• Pray for actors on television to make wise moral choices
• Pray for Robin Roberts, the news anchor on Good Morning America
• Pray for the majority of industry professionals who can't find work
• HPN wants to help the PGA as they help Make-A-Wish Foundation
• Film Producer/Director Tony Scott committed suicide
• Pray for Nini, who boldly appeared on the new “Ricki Lake Show”
• Pray for Nuri, Alice and Ana, all industry pros going through it
• Pray for Terri and Barry, HPN’s Local Chapter Directors in San Jose
• Pray for Megan Giambroni, HPN’s Local Chapter Director in Ohio
• HPN member David asked for prayer as his feature documentary
• HPN member David asked for prayer as his feature documentary
• Pray for David Hurtado, HPN’s Local Chapter Director in Virginia
• Don’t miss the upcoming events in Hollywood
• Thanks for praying for the nation to embrace "The Great American Bible Challenge" now on the GSN (The Game Show Network). We praise God that it’s quickly become the highest rated show on that network. What an answer to prayer!! Keep praying for the show’s creators, the contestants and it's host, Jeff Foxworthy. Read about Jeff Foxworthy and how, as a Christian, he approaches this show.
• Praise God for HPN's new Administrative Assistant, Lisa Petersen. She is an answer to our prayers for our ministry. Keep praying for her transition and for her to catch the full vision for what she's doing and the eternal difference it's making in our industry and our world. We’re so excited to have her. If you want to say hi, just email her at
• We thank God for those of you who joined our giving team last month. Thank you so much. You are an answer to our prayers! We couldn’t do anything without those of you who pray and those of you who give financially. Both are a perfect combination to be used by the Lord - we are so grateful! For more info on joining our team, click HERE.
• Sept. 23rd is the TV event of the year – the 64th annual Emmy Awards on ABC. This year it’s hosted by Jimmy Kimmel. Let’s pray for Jimmy to encounter God and for the nominees and the winners, to find their identity in Jesus, not in whether or not
they take home an Emmy, for that will only disappoint them. For more info. and a list of all the nominees, click HERE.
• In preparation for the Emmys let’s pray for the 23 new shows on the air and ask God to do a new thing in television. He can make streams in the wasteland! For a full list of the shows, click HERE.
• Pray for people watching the new shows this season, that they will be discerning as they support the positive shows, by watching them and talking about them, and choose not to watch the compromising shows.
• Pray for the network executives to get hungry for the Lord so that they will understand what shows are uplifting and what shows are morally destructive. Pray also that God will help them to make wise choices about which ones will stay on and which ones will get cancelled.
• Pray for the actors on television to make wise moral choices and to stand firm in their convictions if asked to do something that they are uncomfortable doing.
• Please pray for Robin Roberts, the news anchor on Good Morning America. On August 31, her mother passed away just hours before she announced that she was taking a leave of absence to deal with M.D.S., a rare and serious blood disorder that affects the body's bone marrow. Robin loves God, so let’s pray for her as she draws closer to Him during this time and that He will heal her body. Her life can be such a witness to her friends, family and her fans. For more info on Robin, click HERE.
• Pray for the majority of industry professionals who can't find work, can't make their rent and feel overwhelmed with life. It's more difficult to live and try to work in Hollywood than anyone imagines. It's a spiritual battleground and just surviving takes so much of people's energy and focus. Would you pray for the Lord to fill people up with a renewed hope, a sense of purpose and with His peace and joy. We need to be refreshed to face the struggles of each day.
• HPN wants to help the Producers Guild of America as they help Make-A-Wish Foundation. The PGA is working with the organizers of Make-A-Wish to help fulfill the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions. If you are able to help make any of these wishes come true below, contact Otherwise, please pray for these children, that the Lord will give them the desires of their hearts, that the PGA members will come closer to Him as they selflessly help these children, and that we can make a difference in this endeavor as well.
Here are some of the wishes:
1. Jerome | Age 17 | Wishes to be on the TV series Community and meet series actor Ken Jeong.
2. Allison | Age 13 | Wishes to meet the cast of The Hunger Games.
3. Luke | Age 11 | Wishes to be on the set or an extra on a comedy feature.
4. Ryan | Age 12 | Wishes to be on the set of a feature starring Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Robert Downey Jr., or involving Jeff Kenny.
1. Jerome | Age 17 | Wishes to be on the TV series Community and meet series actor Ken Jeong.
2. Allison | Age 13 | Wishes to meet the cast of The Hunger Games.
3. Luke | Age 11 | Wishes to be on the set or an extra on a comedy feature.
4. Ryan | Age 12 | Wishes to be on the set of a feature starring Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Robert Downey Jr., or involving Jeff Kenny.
5. Brett | Age 17 | Wishes to act in any movie.
6. Arika | Age 15 | Wishes to visit the production of any animated/ cartoon movie (nothing scary).
7. Trevor | Age 12 | Wishes to be on the set or an extra of an action movie.
8. Kelsey (from Ireland) | Age 16 | Wishes to act in any movie.
9. Desiree | Age 18 | Wishes to act in a movie or TV show.
6. Arika | Age 15 | Wishes to visit the production of any animated/ cartoon movie (nothing scary).
7. Trevor | Age 12 | Wishes to be on the set or an extra of an action movie.
8. Kelsey (from Ireland) | Age 16 | Wishes to act in any movie.
9. Desiree | Age 18 | Wishes to act in a movie or TV show.
• Pray for HPN member Nini, who boldly appeared on the new “Ricki Lake Show” yesterday (9/14) and talked about being a 40 year old virgin. Please pray that the audience who watched and continue to watch that episode will be inspired to stay virgins until they are married. HPN believes that Nini is leading the way for many Christians in this age to stand confidently and unbending in their faith and their principals and that others will find it appealing, empowering and want to follow. Check out the episode HERE.
• “Life is just not easy. Please say a little prayer for me. It’s one crisis after another. I have several friends in major crises too. Alice just lost her job here after nine years, Nuri’s marriage is ending in divorce, and many people are in financial disarray. Life is so hard for so many I people I know. Not to mention our country. Prayer is the answer.” Ana
• Pray for Terri and Barry, HPN’s Local Chapter Directors in San Jose. They have both gone through difficult health issues this year and so we ask the Lord to heal them, encourage them, and make them strong again to keep doing His work, both in San Jose and in Hollywood. Terri creates HPN’s Kids and Teen Prayer Calendars every month and if you haven't seen this great way to pray with your kids for the media, click HERE.
• From Megan Giambroni, HPN’s Local Chapter Director in Ohio: “Light Up L.A., our Canfield, OH chapter has monthly meetings, mostly movie discussion nights the 1st Friday of each month. Last month we watched 'Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close' and afterwards we had an awesome discussion and prayer time. The vision for this chapter is to learn, pray, and analyze. We learn more about popular media, analyze culture from a Christian perspective, and pray for the people who shape American culture.” Let's pray together for Megan, that God continues to give her wisdom in leading her chapter His way as He draws people together in the Ohio Industry. If you’re close to Canfield and want to get involved click HERE. For more info. on local chapters close to you click HERE.
• HPN member David asked for prayer as his feature documentary, "Hellbound?" is released in selected theatres this month. "Pray that this film will provoke informed discussion and break down barriers within the church that lead to division. Ultimately pray that our response to the film leads us closer to the heart of God. For more on the film click HERE. David
• From David Hurtado, HPN’s Local Chapter Director in Virginia: “We’re getting ready to host an “Emmys Prayer Party” on Sept. 23rd. It’s the first of three such events as part of our Hampton Roads HPN chapter: Emmys Prayer Party on 9/23, An Oscar Prayer Party in Feb. and a Tonys Prayer Party next June. And now our HPN branch will meet every Thurs. at noon ET to pray!” Pray for David and for his events that they may give the film/TV students at Regent University and the friends who participate a new passion to pray for the people, the shows and the issues in TV and film. Pray also that David can encourage them to keep their eyes on Jesus as they pursue their careers. And may these events build community in his area.
• Sept. 28, in honor of National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month (September) HPN member Hannah Pitts is producing an event with The Actors Fund, where people will gather to stuff goodie bags for kids with cancer and Hannah will be cutting 12" of her hair to donate to Children with Hairloss, helping kids with cancer. To join them email: or for more details click HERE.
• Wednesday, Oct. 10th, 7 - 9pm, HPN is having a community Prayer and Praise night for anyone to come and pray corporately for our industry, and to get personal prayer. Please mark that down on your calendars and click HERE to find out more information. You are all welcome!
• October 19th, HPN member and TV show runner Dean Batali will be guest speaking at Regent University. For more info, email David at
• HOLLYWOOD NETWORKING BREAKFAST – Thurs. 8am, Sept. 27th at the Beverly Hills Country Club. For more info click HERE.
• Christian Woman In Media Association (CWIMA) Hollywood/West Coast Dinner Event, Sept. 20th at 6:15pm on the CBS Studio Lot: For more info click HERE.
• For more events in our community and people to meet, check out the Hollywood Connect Facebook page HERE.
Thanks so much for praying with us for the television world this month.
Until next month,
Karen, Caren and Lisa
How to keep from becoming a “One Hit Wonder”:
"Aim at Heaven and you'll get earth thrown in; Aim at earth and you'll get neither." - C.S. Lewis
“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19
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Hollywood Prayer Network
1763 N. Gower St.
Hollywood, CA 90028
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