
Great Quotes With Kirk

"Our weakness and inabilities break not the bond of our duties."
~ from The New England Primer
(the first reading primer designed for the American Colonies)

The Cameron family discussed this little phrase around the dinner table one evening and the truth of it struck not only the kids, but me and Chelsea as well. Often we excuse ourselves from the harder tasks of our faith, consoling ourselves with a mini-pity party owing to our "weaknesses and inabilities". "That's not my gift," we might say, or, "I've tried before, but it makes me uncomfortable to share my faith or to bless my enemies." But it seems the custom of God to command us to do the very things that stretch us beyond our natural reach and push us out of our comfort-zone in order to build within us, as His beloved children, the character qualities of a son or daughter of the King. We start out as toddlers in the faith- "Kindergarten Christians"- and mature into the perfection and likeness of the man, Jesus Christ. Duty has long gone out of fashion in these days of self-empowerment, but it is in the obedience that the transformation occurs in the heart of the child of God. Let us not neglect to obey the commands of our King, no matter how difficult, irksome, or nauseating it may feel at the moment. ~ Kirk

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