
Jack Van Impe Presents (08-13-2011) #1133

Part 1

Part 2


Global Headlines: Russia says we will have alien encounters within the next 20 years, An Anti-Israel President, Russia flexes her nuclear muscles

Chronology of Episode: Announcement of Global Headlines; Jack comments on the need for churches to preach Christ's coming; commentary on cultural fascination with aliens, vampire and werewolves movies, satanism etc.; Jack teaches on Lucifer and angels; the 7 major signs pointing to the return of the Lord and relating global headlines; 1st plug for product offer of the week; continuation of global headlines relating to the 7 major signs; Jack's invitation to Christ; Rexella's offer of "First Steps in a New Direction;" 2nd plug for product offer of the week; Rexella's end quote

Product Offer of the Week: 2-Disc Special "New World Order Rising" and "Dictator of the New World Order"

Thanks to CallOutToJesus on YouTube for uploading the videos.

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