October 2012 Newsletter
(Blog Disclaimer: All information and links from Hollywood Prayer
Network. Re-posted here for informative/educational purposes only. Official Website: http://www.hollywoodprayernetwork.org )
Dear HPN Prayer Partners,
weather is finally cooling down in LA and we’re grateful. It’s
Halloween month, a wonderful time of year to pray for the people,
projects and issues in the entertainment industry. May we lift up God’s
light and life during the second most profitable holiday for our nation
and our industry. Let’s also pray for safety for our children on October
31st! We are so thankful that you’re praying with us and for us this
• Keep praying for studio and network executives to get hungry for the Lord
• Thank God that more influential people in Hollywood are becoming Christians
• Halloween 3D has been pulled from being released for Halloween
• Thank you for coming to pray for the Industry
• Thanks for praying for the people in our industry who are in need of work
• Pray for the hearts of the industry pros during this annual Awards season
• Pray for Christian celebrities as they live and work in the public eye
• Pray for the decision-makers at American and Foreign Film Festivals
• Pray for Ari Emanuel, Co-CEO at William Morris Endeavor
• Pray for Celine and her family members, who don’t know the Lord
• Be sure to join Ralph’s & Krogers’ Community Project for HPN
• We
have an answered prayer from last month’s request to pray for studio
and network executives to get hungry for the Lord. Just this month a top
Studio Executive, who is a Christian member of our community, was
highlighted in I AM Entertainment Magazine. DeVon Franklin
is a respected creative Executive at Columbia Pictures. Let’s keep
praying for his influence, his witness, his creativity, and his faithful
walk with the Lord. Click HERE
• Thank
the Lord that more and more people in influential positions in
Hollywood are becoming Christians. Pray for more decision-makers to
experience God’s hand on them. Let’s pray for Record Executive, Bob
Grace, who is going public with his conversion from decades ago while in
the peak of his music career: Grace has worked with some
of the biggest names in music—from David Bowie to The Spice Girls. But
he says meeting God was the greatest experience of all.
Read his story HERE.
• As an answer to prayer for many, the upcoming horror film, Halloween 3D has been pulled from being released for Halloween because it wasn’t ready on time. It was the 8th sequel in a successful franchise and will held for a later release. Paranormal 4,
however, will be released by Paramount Studios this month. May we
praise God that He is bigger and stronger than any horror films and ask
Him to protect the young people who are often exposed to darkness and
horror for the first time, through these films. God is greater than any
• Thank you for those who joined us last Wednesday evening to pray for the industry. It was a wonderful night
of industry professionals, USC students & Artists in Action, coming
together here in LA to pray for the people we work with. We will
continue to believe for God's miracles to
happen in the Entertainment Industry!
• Thank
you so much for your continued prayers for the people in our industry
who are in need of work. Most of the new TV shows that have been picked
up are shooting outside of LA and many, outside the US. So, we need to
continue praying for the cast, staff and crews in LA who can’t get work –
especially as we approach the holidays. May the Lord supply their daily
bread and give them hope and the strength to depend solely on Him!
• Keep
praying for Russell who is starting treatments for bladder
cancer. Russell and his wife Marion are confident that healing is ahead,
but they ask that we continue to be a part of his “Prayer Therapy!”
• Pray
for the hearts of the industry pros who are anticipating the 2012 -2013
annual Awards season. We just finished the Emmy’s in Sept., on Oct. 22
is the 16th Annual Hollywood Film Awards, and then many other awards ceremonies follow, leading up to the Academy Awards on Feb. 24th,
2013. These awards shows become too important for the stars whose
careers hang on what acknowledgments and accolades they receive. As we
pray, let’s focus on Richard Gere, who, at 63 and 40 years into his
career, may receive his first Oscar nomination this year. May Gere and
actors, directors, writers and producers with global influence, all find
their identity in Jesus and not in man’s recognitions. For more info on
The Hollywood Film Awards, click HERE.
• Pray
for Christian entertainment celebrities in order to lift up their arms
as they live and work in the public eye. These people of faith need our
prayers because man was not meant to get the glory and they and their
families have unique and difficult challenges, especially as they try to
stay solid in their faith. Many of them are scorned by the church for
working in Hollywood and scorned by some people in Hollywood for being
Christians. Pray for their influence, their protection, their families
and their faith. As you pray, read THIS recent article about how celebrities like Justin Bieber may be making Christianity more “cool."
In our changing industry, Film Festivals are a growing phenomena in
America and internationally, because more and more filmmakers can gain
recognition, get distribution or even get more financing for their
features, short films and documentaries, through screening their films
at Festivals, especially when they win Festival awards. There are also
many Christian film festivals, (one of the newer ones being: http://www. sdchristianfilmfestival.com/ newSite/index.php.
Please pray
that filmmakers with quality films can gain recognition at Festivals and
yet not find their identity in the awards they are seeking. Also pray
for the judges at Festivals to be wise in choosing the “best” films, for
their decisions, now, more than ever, impact our culture and our
entertainment choices. For a list of some of the major secular film
festivals, click HERE.
Ari Emanuel, Co-CEO at William Morris Endeavor, recently posted 6 tips
that he considers crucial to being successful in any business. Though
not a Christian, his list contains some biblical principals that are
true in any setting. Let's pray for Ari, that he realizes his
understanding comes from his Creator, God! Click HERE
• Celine,
who is from Europe, says, "I hope it would not be too much to ask if
HPN could pray for my family. I am the only saved person and they do not
understand why I would want to go to Hollywood. It is difficult to tell
them I would like to witness to people in Hollywood so the people out
there can hear the message of the Gospel." Please
pray for Celine's family, who need to know Jesus, and also for Celine,
both for her testimony and witness to her family and also as she
attempts to ascertain God's direction for moving forward! Also, please
pray for
the other Christians who have a passion to pursue a career in
entertainment and their families, who may not understand. May the Lord
give them wisdom in making a decision that is His best plan for their
• If
you want to join a new Bible study to help you find your calling, click
on the link below to sign up. Kathy and Kevin teach every Sunday
evening. Hope4Hollywood’s first 6 week study begins October 21st. To Register: http:// hope4hollywood.com/register/ or email Kathy at coach4crossroads@yahoo.com.
• If
you live in LA and want to post an upcoming event, click on Hollywood
Connect’s facebook page. Or if you’re looking for something to go to,
check it out HERE.
Thanks for praying with us and have a great October.
Karen, Caren and Lisa
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Should Christians enter the world of COMEDY? Click HERE to find out!
Hollywood is like James 3:16. "For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice."
“No one
is a firmer believer in the power of prayer than the devil; not that he
practices it, but he suffers from it” - Guy L. King
© Copyright 2007 Hollywood Prayer Network
(Blog Disclaimer: All information and links from Hollywood Prayer Network. Re-posted here for informative/educational purposes only.)
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