
Hidden Meanings Revealed in the First Verse of the Bible

The first verse of the Bible is Genesis 1:1, which says: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

Taking the Hebrew letter pictographs and translating those meanings from the first verse of the Bible (which was originally written in Hebrew) it says this: "The Son of God will be destroyed (or killed) by his own hand on a cross."

"In the beginning (time) God created the heavens (space) and the earth (matter). Scientists now know that the basic components or makeup of the universe are time, space and matter. However, the Genesis 1:1 text revealed this over 2000 years before scientists determined this to be true.

7 is a number that is used in the Bible to represent completion or perfection. In the world there are 7 continents, 7 oceans, 7 colors in a rainbow, 7 notes on a musical scale, 7 stars in the Big Dipper which has been used to point to the Northern Star aka Guiding Star since the most ancient of times, 7 objects in our solar system are visible to the naked eye (sun moon mars mercury jupiter venus saturn), 7 digits in a row has been proven over and over to be the average limit of memory for most human beings, 7 metals of antiquity upon which civilization was based (lead tin copper mercury silver gold), periodic table of elements consists of 7 distinct levels, and on and on the 7's in the world around us go, each representing God's divine touch of completion. Genesis 1:1 contains 10 words in the English, but in the original Hebrew there are 7 words with 7 features of the number 7.

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