

A business is a business. But, where greed is deemed more important than the health and well-being of an employee that is when it is crossing the line. I heard a story not long ago of a single mother of several children who worked a working-class job and when her son became very ill with a virus she caught it as well and became very ill. She attempted to call in sick one day from her job. Her boss told her that if she didn't come into work that she would be fired. She couldn't lose her job because she had her kids to take care of and she was the only one to do it. So, she reluctantly started driving into work. Only, she was so ill that she passed out asleep at the wheel and got into a car accident. She died. So, the single mother died and her children were left as orphans. Later, the woman's family sued the employer $12 million dollars. So, the man who refused to let a woman have a sick day thought he was saving himself a little money, but ended up losing $12 million because of his greed and uncaring heart.

Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain. Deuteronomy 25:4

A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel. Proverbs 12:10

For it is written in the Law of Moses: "Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain." Is it about oxen that God is concerned? 1 Corinthians 9:9

For the Scripture says, "Do not muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain," and "The worker deserves his wages." 1 Timothy 5:18

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