
Hulk Hogan - Why I Almost Killed Myself

Hulk Hogan burst onto the professional wrestling scene in the late ’70s and has gone on to become one of the best known names in entertainment and a world wrestling champion many times over. From the outside, his story was one of a charmed life — he was at the top of his career, had a wonderful and loving family with a wife and two children. Of course he had his ups and downs — including hints of steroid abuse and a falling-out with WWE and Vince McMahon — but it’s been the last two years that have tested Hogan more than any others in his lifetime. In this excerpt from his book, “My Life Outside the Ring,” the wrestling star writes about the events — his son's car accident, his wife’s filing for divorce and more — that led him to put a gun to his head and almost pull the trigger.

Let's pray for Hulk and his family.

Article: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33482304/ns/today-today_books/?GT1=43001

Video: Hulk Hogan on life after wrestling (Today Show): http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26184891/vp/33492065#33492065

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