
Skates, Sleds, Skis, and Salvation

Every four years winter athletes gather together in a cold city to participate and play at the Winter Olympic Games. It is a time when the world comes together in a common city like Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, in search of Olympic acknowledgment and medals for the best.

The Olympics provide a wonderful opportunity to fulfill the Scripture’s mission challenge to take the gospel to the whole world. Answers in Genesis once again will be going to these Olympic Games to evangelize and distribute gospel literature. We are praying for 200 people to participate in this missionary adventure of a lifetime. We are praying that AiG supporters in Canada and the USA will join together in an effort to reach the world and win souls for Christ. Over 250 people made professions of faith at the Games of Athens, Greece.

Each day we will leave our camp retreat location and travel by commercial coaches to various locations near the Olympic venues, break up into pairs and pray for Divine appointments with people from around the world that need the Lord.

We will also have opportunity to join the Ken Ham Seminars that will be held in downtown Vancouver. What a great opportunity to minister to people during the day and to be ministered to in the evening. You will have the opportunity to be with the entire AiG family at Stillwood Camp & Conference Centre.

Please prayerfully consider this great adventure with AiG and be a short-term missionary to the whole world for nine days. We are interested in family groups, youth groups, senior groups, church groups and everyone that wants to be used of God in this exciting missionary outreach.

Dr. David R. Crandall
Olympic Ministry Host



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