
Hal Lindsey Report (july 22, 2011): Christians Against Israel, Curse of the Allegory, Is God a Liar?, Paul's Warning

This week on 'The Hal Lindsey Report'

Wendy Bagwell and the Sunliters were an old-time gospel singing and comedy trio that once toured the South. More than 40 years ago, Bagwell released a million-selling song -- and insisted the story was true -- about visiting a small rural church where, during the service, some of the members disappeared behind the stage. They emerged a short time later carrying five large rattlesnakes.

To his and his band's surprise and horror, they realized they were in a church where the believers "took up the serpent" as a display of their faith in the Word of God.

Bagwell said that he looked over at one of the singers and said, "Look around and tell me where you think the backdoor is."

To which she replied, "I've already looked. They don't have one."

Bagwell then said, "Reckon where do they want one?"

Sometimes I feel a little like Wendy Bagwell when I look around the church world today. It's not that I'm seeing snake handlers, I'm seeing far worse -- fellow Christians playing with something deadlier than snake venom. They're playing with the wrath of God. But then, don't you get angry when someone calls you a liar?

That's what's happening in some circles of the church world today. There is a movement afoot that effectively says God intentionally deceived Abraham when He made His covenant with him. Further, that movement, known as "Dominionism" or "Preterism," claims that God reneged on His "irrevocable" promises to Israel and transferred those promises to the Church, which they call "spiritual Israel." (Oddly, though, they don't explain why God transferred the promises but not the punishments from Israel.)

So, just as I don't want to be standing close to a fellow who chooses to "take up the serpent," I'm wary of those who choose to call God a liar.

Recently, the World Council of Churches sponsored a scholarly conference in Volos, Greece. The participants gathered to assess the plight of Christian communities across the Middle East since 9/11, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the uprisings of the "Arab Spring."

I'm sure they considered the mounting evidence of a Muslim campaign of terror and persecution that has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Christians and the decimation and flight of scores of Christian communities. No doubt they were told about the fatwas that have been issued by zealous imams. I'm certain they examined the records of brutal dictators who have stirred up their Muslim citizens against the Christians to divert attention from their own domestic troubles.

After listening to firsthand accounts and reading testimonials that have emerged from the chaos, the conference reached the only logical conclusion available. To be honest, no thoughtful observer was surprised. The conference concluded that the blame for the heartbreaking plight of our fellow Christians across the Middle East in the last decade lies with Israel. More specifically, with Israel's brutal and callous occupation of the land that rightfully belongs to the Palestinians and Muslims.

Step back. I sense the possibility of some unexplained lightning strikes. You see, God warned those who sought to appropriate for themselves the land He promised to the Israelites. He said they would suffer the fire of His wrath.

But the conference participants were only behaving as those who sponsored it behave. The World Council of Churches no longer believes that the Jews are God's chosen people. So why should their claims to Israel be respected? That's the same line of reasoning the "dominionists" and "preterists" follow. They say the Jews forfeited their covenant rights when they rejected Jesus as the Messiah. So God transferred all of those "irrevocable" promises to the Church -- the modern day "chosen ones."

If that's not calling God a liar, then what is it?

On second thought, maybe I'm safer next to the guy with the rattlesnake.

Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, Inspiration (on Sundays now!), CPM Network, various local stations, www.hallindsey.com or www.hischannel.com. Check your local listings.

God Bless,
Hal Lindsey

mail: HLMM, P.O. Box 470470, Tulsa, OK 74147
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