
If Only They Would Just Realize

I feel that some of the main reasons why someone doesn't come to a belief in God/Jesus is because they don't connect themselves with the love and authority of God. First of all, people don't want to have to admit that they are sinners in need of God's forgiveness. I think that a lot of people can and will admit that they are not perfect and guilty of wrong-doing in life. But, they want to believe that they are somehow just automatically forgiven of their sins because 1) they figure it's not as bad as some sins (like murder, adultery, pedophilia) so it's okay 2) they figure that, give it enough time, it's easier to move on and kinda' sorta' forget about it and 3) they constantly compare themselves to other imperfect people rather than comparing themselves to the true standard that is holy God to realize how much they need God's sovereign forgiveness. The other reason why I think some people don't want to come to the Christian faith and truly live for God is because they don't "get it." They don't have the supernatural connection of the Holy Spirit to truly realize the truth of God and His all-encompassing love. Another main reason is because I think people look too much towards churches and Christian people to see God and don't look at God Himself. And because there is no perfect church and no perfect Christian, non-believers can see all of the mistakes and because they don't have the know-how to distinguish God from the mistakes then it all just seems so stagnant and condemning. Sometimes I think, oh man if only they knew what I knew. If only they had been through what I had been through (with God) then they would understand, they would "get it." But, they don't, until they can open themselves up to God and receive His hand. Of course, I'm not saying any of this to offend or disrespect the non-believer, but simply to give my two-cents on some of the reasons why I think someone doesn't believe in God or truly live for God in their lives. I mean, I wasn't always a believer myself. I still remember what it was like when I wasn't believer and it wasn't too long ago. I pray for salvation for those who aren't saved; I pray for those who are saved that they will continue to learn and grow in the faith; I pray for the conviction of the Holy Spirit for those who are not saved, that they will open their hearts and minds to God and have the willingness to believe in Him.

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