Some people never realize and wake up to reality, and therefore never change for the better. Sometimes they do realize, but they're so weak that they won't try hard enough. For them it's easier to live in ignorance than in reality. But if only they pulled out of it then how much better off would they be.
VOM–USA Prayer Update for April 30, 2010
The Voice of the Martyrs USA: www.persecution.com
“Those who have left the deepest impression on this sin cursed earth have been men and women of prayer. You will find that prayer has been the mighty power that has moved not only God, but man.” D L Moody
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints Ephesians 6:18
INDIA — Christians Attacked by Hindu Extremists — VOM Contacts
Matthew 5:43–48
"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
On April 17, Hindu extremists attacked a group of Christians at a prayer meeting in Madhya Pradesh, India, causing the death of a 25-year-old man and severely injuring three other believers. According to The Voice of the Martyrs contacts, Hindu radicals disrupted the meeting of more than 400 Christians and began destroying Bibles and other property. They attacked the Christians with sticks and iron rods, accusing them of forcible conversions. During the attack, Amit Gilbert, a master of divinity student, fell into an open well, hit his head on the well’s outer wall and drowned. One of the other injured Christians sustained a broken back and at last report remained in serious condition. Pray for those mourning the loss of Amit, and pray that the three injured Christians will fully recover. Pray that Christians in Madhya Pradesh will exemplify the love of Christ through love and prayer for those who persecute them.
NIGERIA — Pastor & Wife Killed — Compass Direct News
Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
On April 13, a pastor and his wife in Boto village, Bauchi state, Nigeria, were abducted and killed by suspected Islamic extremists, according to Compass Direct News. Pastor Ishaku Kadah and his wife, Selina, were reportedly abducted from the headquarters of their church, which was also their home. Their burned bodies were discovered hours after their abduction. Extremists previously set fire to their church building in January, days after Christians displaced by violence in Plateau state had taken refuge at the church, according to Compass. “Police have reportedly arrested two suspects [in the murders] and have launched a manhunt for several other accomplices,” Compass said. The brutal killings of Pastor Ishaku and his wife are the latest in a series of violent attacks against Christians in northern Nigeria. In January and March, Christians and Muslims rioted in several villages outside the city of Jos. Churches and homes were burned, and many Christians and Muslims were killed. Pray that God will comfort those who mourn for Pastor Ishaku and his wife, and pray that their murderers will be brought to justice. Pray that Nigerian Christians will be committed to sharing the gospel and will strive for peace and reconciliation rather than seeking revenge.
IRAN — Christian Teen Arrested — Farsi Christian News Network
Acts 4:29–31
Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus." After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.
On April 11, officers from the Ministry of Information arrested 19-year-old Daniel Shahri, a Christian in Isfahan, Iran, according to Farsi Christian News. Undercover officers went to Daniel’s home under the pretense of delivering a letter. When the door was opened, officers stormed inside the house. Daniel was not at home, so the officers confiscated personal belongings including his computer, DVD player, DVDs, CDs, cell phone and books. The officers then forced Daniel’s sister to call him and ask him to come home. When he arrived, the officers arrested him and took him to an unknown location. Three days later, Daniel was finally allowed to contact his parents, who are blind and have physical disabilities. Daniel told his parents he was being held at Dastgard prison on charges of “publishing falsities and insults to the Muslim faith.” Pray for Daniel’s health and safety. Pray that he will be released soon and that all charges will be dropped. Pray that increased persecution in Iran will result in increased boldness among believers.
Add the PrisonerAlert.com application on Facebook by visiting http://apps.facebook.com/prisoneralert/
Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
“Those who have left the deepest impression on this sin cursed earth have been men and women of prayer. You will find that prayer has been the mighty power that has moved not only God, but man.” D L Moody
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints Ephesians 6:18
INDIA — Christians Attacked by Hindu Extremists — VOM Contacts
Matthew 5:43–48
"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
On April 17, Hindu extremists attacked a group of Christians at a prayer meeting in Madhya Pradesh, India, causing the death of a 25-year-old man and severely injuring three other believers. According to The Voice of the Martyrs contacts, Hindu radicals disrupted the meeting of more than 400 Christians and began destroying Bibles and other property. They attacked the Christians with sticks and iron rods, accusing them of forcible conversions. During the attack, Amit Gilbert, a master of divinity student, fell into an open well, hit his head on the well’s outer wall and drowned. One of the other injured Christians sustained a broken back and at last report remained in serious condition. Pray for those mourning the loss of Amit, and pray that the three injured Christians will fully recover. Pray that Christians in Madhya Pradesh will exemplify the love of Christ through love and prayer for those who persecute them.
NIGERIA — Pastor & Wife Killed — Compass Direct News
Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
On April 13, a pastor and his wife in Boto village, Bauchi state, Nigeria, were abducted and killed by suspected Islamic extremists, according to Compass Direct News. Pastor Ishaku Kadah and his wife, Selina, were reportedly abducted from the headquarters of their church, which was also their home. Their burned bodies were discovered hours after their abduction. Extremists previously set fire to their church building in January, days after Christians displaced by violence in Plateau state had taken refuge at the church, according to Compass. “Police have reportedly arrested two suspects [in the murders] and have launched a manhunt for several other accomplices,” Compass said. The brutal killings of Pastor Ishaku and his wife are the latest in a series of violent attacks against Christians in northern Nigeria. In January and March, Christians and Muslims rioted in several villages outside the city of Jos. Churches and homes were burned, and many Christians and Muslims were killed. Pray that God will comfort those who mourn for Pastor Ishaku and his wife, and pray that their murderers will be brought to justice. Pray that Nigerian Christians will be committed to sharing the gospel and will strive for peace and reconciliation rather than seeking revenge.
IRAN — Christian Teen Arrested — Farsi Christian News Network
Acts 4:29–31
Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus." After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.
On April 11, officers from the Ministry of Information arrested 19-year-old Daniel Shahri, a Christian in Isfahan, Iran, according to Farsi Christian News. Undercover officers went to Daniel’s home under the pretense of delivering a letter. When the door was opened, officers stormed inside the house. Daniel was not at home, so the officers confiscated personal belongings including his computer, DVD player, DVDs, CDs, cell phone and books. The officers then forced Daniel’s sister to call him and ask him to come home. When he arrived, the officers arrested him and took him to an unknown location. Three days later, Daniel was finally allowed to contact his parents, who are blind and have physical disabilities. Daniel told his parents he was being held at Dastgard prison on charges of “publishing falsities and insults to the Muslim faith.” Pray for Daniel’s health and safety. Pray that he will be released soon and that all charges will be dropped. Pray that increased persecution in Iran will result in increased boldness among believers.
Add the PrisonerAlert.com application on Facebook by visiting http://apps.facebook.com/prisoneralert/
Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
God never gave up on me even though in my past I'd given up on Him after things had gotten real rough for me.Though I didn't know it at the time,He was always there for me. Looking back I can see that now.He worked on my heart&brought me to a real saving faith in His Son Jesus.Now all I want is to please Him.Though ...I often fail,I know that He always still loves,forgives&helps me.I love God so much.He is my #1.♥
The Whole Truth & Nothing But The Truth
I get the impression that majority of churches out there today are all up on preaching about love, charity and "becoming a better us," but not the whole truth that everyone needs to hear. A sin of "omission" (leaving something out/not doing something) rather than of "commission" (doing something). It's like leaving out half of the Gospel message. The whole Gospel message is the fact that there is a hell and we are headed there because we are all sinners in need of God's forgiveness (that's the bad part), but that God gave us His Son Jesus so that if we repent from our sins and trust in Jesus for who He is and what He has done for us then we can be saved (the good part). Joel Osteen seems to be the guy that everyone picks on, but there are tons and tons of preachers and churches that are just like his. His sermons are like motivational speeches that "tickle the ears," but he doesn't give you the whole truth that is vital to know. I have seen Joel's sermons many times on TV, and I don't see anything wrong with what he says in them - there is a lot of good that he says - except the fact that he doesn't give his congregation everything that they need to hear, and that is harmful and therefore wrong; sin of "omission" rather than "commission." My church isn't like that. They tell you what you need to know, both the good and the bad. And that is how I try to be as well.
If I Could Turn Back Time...I Don't Think I Would
When I think about my life and hardships, and the regretful things I've done, sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I could turn back time and do it over again. What would I do different? How could I make it better? But, there's a sinking feeling inside of me that says, "everything that's happened has made you who you are today, you would lose out on all that you have learnt, and that added strength and wisdom." So that keeps me from wanting to live it out all over again. I don't think I could do that. And even if I could live it over again, who's to say that I wouldn't do something else wrong anyway? There would always be something that I would like to change and I can't. Everything happens for a reason, good or bad. But, whatever does happen there is already a blessing attached to it, a reward for the good or a lesson from the bad. That is how I feel about turning back the hands of time.
God Is With Us Through Thick & Thin
In this world there is good vs. evil. Human beings have their good side and their bad side which is evil. If you side with the good, the evil can't overcome you. If you side with evil, the good can't overcome you. It is only through Jesus that we can be forever on the good side. Still, we can side with the good and allow evil to overcome us at times. However, that doesn't mean that we aren't still on the good side. From the moment that we give our lives to God through His Son Jesus then He will never let us go. So no matter how horrible we think we are, no matter how bad we've been, He will never let us go.
"Even if we are unfaithful, He remains faithful because He cannot be untrue to Himself." (2 Timothy 2:13)
"For it is by grace that you've been saved through faith, and that not of ourselves. It's the gift of God, not of works, so that no one can boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9)
"I will never leave you nor abandon you." (Joshua 1:5, Hebrews 13:5)
"Even if we are unfaithful, He remains faithful because He cannot be untrue to Himself." (2 Timothy 2:13)
"For it is by grace that you've been saved through faith, and that not of ourselves. It's the gift of God, not of works, so that no one can boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9)
"I will never leave you nor abandon you." (Joshua 1:5, Hebrews 13:5)
Bible Study: The Peace Of Christ
Sermon: The Key To Continued Peace
Article "Finding Peace"
By Charles F. Stanley
Once, before a speaking engagement, a staff member and I were sharing a meal at a restaurant on the West Coast. The young woman waiting on us appeared to be in her twenties. During the meal, I posed this question to her: “If you could ask God for anything, what would it be?”
Without any hesitation she said, “I’d ask for peace.” A big tear made its way down her face as she told us about the death of her beloved grandmother a few days before.
In sharing her story, she explained that no one in her family believed in God, and neither did she. Our waitress had not consciously rejected the Lord—she had never heard about Him. All she knew was the deep restlessness within her. The young lady had no understanding about how to resolve that inner turmoil, or even what lay at its root. Like many people, she went from day to day without having much purpose or meaning in her life.
This woman represents so many people in our society today. They might not describe the emptiness they feel as a lack of peace. Some would use the words, “I am so lonely.” Others might say, “If only my spouse would love me more, I’d be happy.” Or, “If only I could be successful in my career . . . ” But these are all variations of the same theme: “There is something wrong. I am not happy. I have no peace. What is wrong with me?”
Our society bombards us with messages that supposedly answer this question. If only you were thinner . . . dressed better . . . drove a Jaguar . . . lived in a nicer house . . . made more money . . . The list goes on and on. But none of the “answers” proposed by society can permanently or satisfactorily provide what we desperately crave.
The young waitress had it correct. Most of us feel strongly that we need something more, and the all-encompassing word that describes it well is peace. But you will never experience such tranquility in this life until your relationship with the Lord is right.
A Friendship with Your Creator
The God who controls all things—and who is present in your life whether you acknowledge Him or not—is a God of peace. He designed this world with a plan in mind, and it includes you!
The Lord created humans so they would have a relationship with Him that is characterized by love—His loving them and their loving Him. And through His presence, He would protect and provide for mankind. Only through close friendship with the Creator can anyone receive deep, lasting, abiding peace. This idea is unique to Judeo-Christian thought.
What people sense as “loneliness,” “a deep void,” or “purposelessness” is a type of signal—or indicator—that God has built into man. It is a programmed message that we need Him. Through it, the Designer tells His creation, “Without Me, you will never feel complete. I am the only One who can satisfy your deepest longings. I will be the source of your peace.”
Sudden tragedy or personal loss can show us our need for help, comfort, and guidance. And it is at such a point of need that our kind and loving God often reveals how to know Him in a personal way.
How We can Have Peace with God
Jesus came into our world to live and die as one of us. He was both God and human at the same time—an amazing truth. As a sinless man, Jesus was killed because the religious leaders of His day felt threatened by His claims to be the Savior of the world.
His death wasn’t the end, however. After three days, He was resurrected by the power of God, triumphing over death. Before returning to His Father in heaven (Mark 16:19), Jesus promised the disciples that His presence would remain with them, and He would give them peace (Matt. 28:20; John 20:19).
God wants all of us to ask for His mercy, confess our sins, and trust Him for salvation—that’s the essence of His plan for you and me. It is also the fundamental requirement for experiencing His wonderful, continuous gift of peace.
When we ask Jesus to forgive our sins and take control of our lives, He bridges the gap between God and man. Through Him, we have forgiveness (no more shame or guilt because of the past) and the assurance of His presence in our lives. Moreover, we have the opportunity to experience abiding peace—the gift promised to those who follow the Lord.
Adapted from “Finding Peace: God’s Promise of Life Free from Regret, Anxiety, and Fear” (2003).
Sermon: The Key To Continued Peace
Article "Finding Peace"
By Charles F. Stanley
Once, before a speaking engagement, a staff member and I were sharing a meal at a restaurant on the West Coast. The young woman waiting on us appeared to be in her twenties. During the meal, I posed this question to her: “If you could ask God for anything, what would it be?”
Without any hesitation she said, “I’d ask for peace.” A big tear made its way down her face as she told us about the death of her beloved grandmother a few days before.
In sharing her story, she explained that no one in her family believed in God, and neither did she. Our waitress had not consciously rejected the Lord—she had never heard about Him. All she knew was the deep restlessness within her. The young lady had no understanding about how to resolve that inner turmoil, or even what lay at its root. Like many people, she went from day to day without having much purpose or meaning in her life.
This woman represents so many people in our society today. They might not describe the emptiness they feel as a lack of peace. Some would use the words, “I am so lonely.” Others might say, “If only my spouse would love me more, I’d be happy.” Or, “If only I could be successful in my career . . . ” But these are all variations of the same theme: “There is something wrong. I am not happy. I have no peace. What is wrong with me?”
Our society bombards us with messages that supposedly answer this question. If only you were thinner . . . dressed better . . . drove a Jaguar . . . lived in a nicer house . . . made more money . . . The list goes on and on. But none of the “answers” proposed by society can permanently or satisfactorily provide what we desperately crave.
The young waitress had it correct. Most of us feel strongly that we need something more, and the all-encompassing word that describes it well is peace. But you will never experience such tranquility in this life until your relationship with the Lord is right.
A Friendship with Your Creator
The God who controls all things—and who is present in your life whether you acknowledge Him or not—is a God of peace. He designed this world with a plan in mind, and it includes you!
The Lord created humans so they would have a relationship with Him that is characterized by love—His loving them and their loving Him. And through His presence, He would protect and provide for mankind. Only through close friendship with the Creator can anyone receive deep, lasting, abiding peace. This idea is unique to Judeo-Christian thought.
What people sense as “loneliness,” “a deep void,” or “purposelessness” is a type of signal—or indicator—that God has built into man. It is a programmed message that we need Him. Through it, the Designer tells His creation, “Without Me, you will never feel complete. I am the only One who can satisfy your deepest longings. I will be the source of your peace.”
Sudden tragedy or personal loss can show us our need for help, comfort, and guidance. And it is at such a point of need that our kind and loving God often reveals how to know Him in a personal way.
How We can Have Peace with God
Jesus came into our world to live and die as one of us. He was both God and human at the same time—an amazing truth. As a sinless man, Jesus was killed because the religious leaders of His day felt threatened by His claims to be the Savior of the world.
His death wasn’t the end, however. After three days, He was resurrected by the power of God, triumphing over death. Before returning to His Father in heaven (Mark 16:19), Jesus promised the disciples that His presence would remain with them, and He would give them peace (Matt. 28:20; John 20:19).
God wants all of us to ask for His mercy, confess our sins, and trust Him for salvation—that’s the essence of His plan for you and me. It is also the fundamental requirement for experiencing His wonderful, continuous gift of peace.
When we ask Jesus to forgive our sins and take control of our lives, He bridges the gap between God and man. Through Him, we have forgiveness (no more shame or guilt because of the past) and the assurance of His presence in our lives. Moreover, we have the opportunity to experience abiding peace—the gift promised to those who follow the Lord.
Adapted from “Finding Peace: God’s Promise of Life Free from Regret, Anxiety, and Fear” (2003).
The Case For Christ
Case For Christ follows reporter Lee Strobel as he interviews a number of religious and historical scholars in order to find out if there is any proof of the resurrection, and to discover the historical veracity of the New Testament.
When I think about so much suffering in life - all the pain that can be associated with life, such as division in relationships or death, I sometimes think of Jesus and how much suffering He went through in His life here on earth. I think of how He is a perfect human being and therefore handles everything correctly, yet had to take the pain and suffering of human/earthly life. How did Jesus do it? How did He handle it all without letting it totally mess with His mind, heart and body? The natural example is thinking of the events of His betrayal, tortuous beating and death, and being separated from God in those moments. There cannot be anything more painful than all of that. Yet, somehow He just did it. And, not only that, but He was able to consider others during the process (such as when He asked John to look after His mother Mary, and asking God for the forgiveness of those who did not understand that they were doing something wrong).
But, there are other examples in Jesus' life that I can remember. Such as when John the Baptist died. John the Baptist was imprisoned and beheaded. He was also Jesus' cousin and the one that paved the way for Jesus' arrival to ministry. The Bible says that when Jesus heard of John the Baptist's death that He went away alone for a while, on a boat. I can only imagine that He must have been hurting a lot, and needed this time spent alone with Father God to pray and meditate. I know in my experience that this helps to gather oneself together and sort of rejuvenate, and gives a sense of peace and comfort.
I always remember a sermon on TV that I once heard in which a woman speaker spoke of this story. She said that Jesus just had to keep looking forward, not look back. So, when the things of life bring us down that we too need to keep looking forward to the big picture and not get bogged down in depression or whatever life can bring us down with. Jesus had his natural time of mourning, but kept His eyes fixated on the big picture. Jesus was going to make everything right by doing what He was meant to do, and one day everything will be the way it's supposed to be.
This is what keeps me going. When I think about the big picture of it all, the things of this life that really have a way of bringing me down, suddenly don't matter as much. I look to Jesus as my Savior and best friend. He has overcome all of this and someday everything will be made right.
But, there are other examples in Jesus' life that I can remember. Such as when John the Baptist died. John the Baptist was imprisoned and beheaded. He was also Jesus' cousin and the one that paved the way for Jesus' arrival to ministry. The Bible says that when Jesus heard of John the Baptist's death that He went away alone for a while, on a boat. I can only imagine that He must have been hurting a lot, and needed this time spent alone with Father God to pray and meditate. I know in my experience that this helps to gather oneself together and sort of rejuvenate, and gives a sense of peace and comfort.
I always remember a sermon on TV that I once heard in which a woman speaker spoke of this story. She said that Jesus just had to keep looking forward, not look back. So, when the things of life bring us down that we too need to keep looking forward to the big picture and not get bogged down in depression or whatever life can bring us down with. Jesus had his natural time of mourning, but kept His eyes fixated on the big picture. Jesus was going to make everything right by doing what He was meant to do, and one day everything will be the way it's supposed to be.
This is what keeps me going. When I think about the big picture of it all, the things of this life that really have a way of bringing me down, suddenly don't matter as much. I look to Jesus as my Savior and best friend. He has overcome all of this and someday everything will be made right.
Smallville - Labyrinth
Smallville is my favorite show on television. My favorite episode is "Labyrinth" from Season 6. In that episode, Clark Kent aka Kal-El is attacked by an alien creature who messes with his mind and creates a fictitious world in which Clark is a mental patient. Clark wakes up in a mental asylum where the attending physician, Dr. Hudson, tells him he has been there for five years due to his "elaborate fantasy" that he has alien superpowers. In this new world, Martha Kent is married to Lionel Luthor, best friend Chloe Sullivan is deemed insane, and Lana Lang chose Clark over Lex. Clark gradually gives in that he is mentally ill and is persuaded by Dr. Hudson and Lana to undergo a brain procedure that will "cure" his mental illness. But in reality, all of this is a ploy made up by the alien creature to get Clark killed. Only Chloe and another patient named John believe who Clark really is and urge him to fight for his life. In the end, Clark chooses to believe that he isn't really mental and kills the alien creature that had been trying to get him killed which wakes Clark up and brings him back to his reality.
The Killers - Goodnight, Travel Well (Unicef Version)
A music video to raise awareness of exploited youth to the music of The Killers "Goodnight, Travel Well."
What the Bible says about how we should talk...
In Ephesians 4:29 the Bible says, “Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.”
In Romans 12:14 we are told, “Bless those who persecute you. Don’t curse them; pray that God will bless them.”
In Proverbs 15:1 it says, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
In Romans 12:14 we are told, “Bless those who persecute you. Don’t curse them; pray that God will bless them.”
In Proverbs 15:1 it says, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
VOM–USA Prayer Update for week of April 2, 2010
The Voice of the Martyrs USA: www.persecution.com
“Those who have left the deepest impression on this sin cursed earth have been men and women of prayer. You will find that prayer has been the mighty power that has moved not only God, but man.” D L Moody
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints Ephesians 6:18
NIGERIA — VOMedical Helps Victims — VOM Contacts
Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
The Voice of the Martyrs’ medical program is working in Northern Nigeria to provide medical care, support and counseling to Christians following recent attacks by Muslims. VOMedical staff report that many villages have been attacked, the latest occurring on March 17. “Muslims surrounded the small village of Byei, some 30 miles south of Jos. They attacked the homes with AK-47s (judging by the diameter of the bullet holes in the houses’ doors and according to survivors), followed by machetes and fire,” VOMedical staff said. “Thirteen people died in the attack and were buried in a mass grave just outside the village. Seven were wounded and taken to Vom Christian Hospital; five remained admitted when we visited the hospital this afternoon. Most of the wounds were gunshot wounds and burns.” The Voice of the Martyrs encourages you to continue praying for Nigerian believers, who live with the daily possibility of being attacked. Pray that those who lost loved ones will be comforted and that the injured will fully recover. Ask God to help Christians forgive their persecutors.
MOROCCO — Christians Deported — Smyrna Ministries International
Isaiah 54:14
In righteousness you shall be established; You shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; And from terror, for it shall not come near you.
In recent weeks, the Moroccan government has continued its crackdown on Christians, expelling as many as 60 Christian aid workers from the country, according to Smyrna Ministries International. Moroccan police accused Christian aid workers from the United States, Korea, Netherlands and England of “violating Morocco’s anti-proselytism laws.” “On March 8, police visited the orphanage Village of Hope, which has been operating with the government’s approval for the past ten years,” Smyrna Ministries International said. “They scoured the grounds looking for Bibles, interrogated children and staff members and announced that the parents had seven hours to pack and say goodbye to their adopted children. All fifteen of the foster parents, the only parents these children have ever known, were deported before nightfall, leaving the 33 children with the police.” The Voice of the Martyrs encourages you to pray for Moroccan believers who have lost their pastors and face interrogation. Pray that God will protect and comfort the orphans and that they will receive the love and care they need.
SOMALIA — Christian Murdered, House Burned — Compass Direct News
Hebrews 13:5–6
Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we may boldly say: “ The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?”
On March 15, al-Shabaab Muslim extremists killed an underground church leader in Mahaday village, according to Compass Direct News. The church leader, Madobe Abdi, had previously escaped a kidnapping attempt on March 2. In a separate incident a month earlier, members of a Somali government-aligned Islamic Courts Union reportedly set fire to the home of someone they thought had converted to Christianity from Islam. Extremists stormed the home after they heard the believer had a Bible and Christian pamphlets. They looted the house before setting it on fire. A neighbor reported, “I saw smoke coming out of the house, then I ran outside and I saw two men coming out of the house with a bucket of gasoline. One of the men was shouting, ‘Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar !’ Then they entered a waiting car and drove off.” Pray for those mourning the loss of Madobe Abdi. Pray for the safety of all believers in Somalia as they serve God. Pray that those who persecute Christians in Somalia will repent and turn to faith in Jesus Christ.
Add the PrisonerAlert.com application on Facebook by visiting http://apps.facebook.com/prisoneralert/
Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
“Those who have left the deepest impression on this sin cursed earth have been men and women of prayer. You will find that prayer has been the mighty power that has moved not only God, but man.” D L Moody
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints Ephesians 6:18
NIGERIA — VOMedical Helps Victims — VOM Contacts
Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
The Voice of the Martyrs’ medical program is working in Northern Nigeria to provide medical care, support and counseling to Christians following recent attacks by Muslims. VOMedical staff report that many villages have been attacked, the latest occurring on March 17. “Muslims surrounded the small village of Byei, some 30 miles south of Jos. They attacked the homes with AK-47s (judging by the diameter of the bullet holes in the houses’ doors and according to survivors), followed by machetes and fire,” VOMedical staff said. “Thirteen people died in the attack and were buried in a mass grave just outside the village. Seven were wounded and taken to Vom Christian Hospital; five remained admitted when we visited the hospital this afternoon. Most of the wounds were gunshot wounds and burns.” The Voice of the Martyrs encourages you to continue praying for Nigerian believers, who live with the daily possibility of being attacked. Pray that those who lost loved ones will be comforted and that the injured will fully recover. Ask God to help Christians forgive their persecutors.
MOROCCO — Christians Deported — Smyrna Ministries International
Isaiah 54:14
In righteousness you shall be established; You shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; And from terror, for it shall not come near you.
In recent weeks, the Moroccan government has continued its crackdown on Christians, expelling as many as 60 Christian aid workers from the country, according to Smyrna Ministries International. Moroccan police accused Christian aid workers from the United States, Korea, Netherlands and England of “violating Morocco’s anti-proselytism laws.” “On March 8, police visited the orphanage Village of Hope, which has been operating with the government’s approval for the past ten years,” Smyrna Ministries International said. “They scoured the grounds looking for Bibles, interrogated children and staff members and announced that the parents had seven hours to pack and say goodbye to their adopted children. All fifteen of the foster parents, the only parents these children have ever known, were deported before nightfall, leaving the 33 children with the police.” The Voice of the Martyrs encourages you to pray for Moroccan believers who have lost their pastors and face interrogation. Pray that God will protect and comfort the orphans and that they will receive the love and care they need.
SOMALIA — Christian Murdered, House Burned — Compass Direct News
Hebrews 13:5–6
Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we may boldly say: “ The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?”
On March 15, al-Shabaab Muslim extremists killed an underground church leader in Mahaday village, according to Compass Direct News. The church leader, Madobe Abdi, had previously escaped a kidnapping attempt on March 2. In a separate incident a month earlier, members of a Somali government-aligned Islamic Courts Union reportedly set fire to the home of someone they thought had converted to Christianity from Islam. Extremists stormed the home after they heard the believer had a Bible and Christian pamphlets. They looted the house before setting it on fire. A neighbor reported, “I saw smoke coming out of the house, then I ran outside and I saw two men coming out of the house with a bucket of gasoline. One of the men was shouting, ‘Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar !’ Then they entered a waiting car and drove off.” Pray for those mourning the loss of Madobe Abdi. Pray for the safety of all believers in Somalia as they serve God. Pray that those who persecute Christians in Somalia will repent and turn to faith in Jesus Christ.
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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Six Tips to Reduce Stress
Written by Branda Polk
The car breaks down. Deadlines press at work. Conflicting family schedules. A midnight call that a friend is in the hospital. Losing your job. Caring for a sick child. Managing the care of an elderly parent. Planning a wedding. Having a new baby. Discovering a personal health issue. What do all these life circumstances have in common? Stress. Whether perceived as positive or negative, these things happen in life at different times, but all create a certain amount of uneasiness and lack of control to the daily routine of "normal" life.
When stress is not managed well, it leaves your body open to disease and illness. Properly managing the stress of life (which happens every day to all of us) will help you achieve your wellness goals. See if the following tips will help you to better maintain a peaceful spirit during stressful times.
1. Spend time in relationship with God. He knows your struggles, fears, and needs. He understands your worries and concerns. He desires to walk through life with you and give you strength. Consider what He has in store for you or what He wants you to do for others. Seek out the lessons that He desires to teach you through your circumstances. Look for His mercy and strength to carry you. This is the foundational element in total wellness of heart, soul, mind, and strength.
2. Develop a social support system. God did not create you to live in a vacuum. He created us to need one another because we can't do everything. Enlist friends and family to help during stressful times. They can always support and lift you up in prayer.
3. Exercise. Regular exercise will remove the build up of the toxic effects from the stress and use the "stress hormones" in a positive way instead of a harmful way. Studies show that taking a brief 10 minute walk during intense times will increase the amount of oxygen to your brain, allowing you to think more clearly and therefore make better decisions.
4. Choose to eat nutritious food. Eat foods that contain healthful sources of nutrients, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. God designed these nutrients to help your body with energy needs and to build and repair damaged tissue. Without these, you leave your body lacking what it needs. So, grab that apple instead of the afternoon candy bar.
5. Maintain a healthy weight. Extra body weight can add to the extensive work load of your heart as it tries to supply blood through the 200 miles of blood vessels per pound of fat. Keeping your weight in a healthy range will enable your body to more effectively deal with stress. Weight is only one of the many health indicators that impact your stress management. See your doctor for a complete picture of your health and ask him/her what is a healthy weight for your age and body type.
6. Use your sense of humor. On the days when everything seems to be going backwards, choosing to laugh at the irony of your circumstances not only lifts your mood but also puts your situation into an eternal perspective. The Bible confirms this in Proverbs 17:22. "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones," (Holman Christian Standard Bible).
Stress is inevitable. How you respond to it will determine your growth. Take steps to manage stress as God would desire for you to.
The car breaks down. Deadlines press at work. Conflicting family schedules. A midnight call that a friend is in the hospital. Losing your job. Caring for a sick child. Managing the care of an elderly parent. Planning a wedding. Having a new baby. Discovering a personal health issue. What do all these life circumstances have in common? Stress. Whether perceived as positive or negative, these things happen in life at different times, but all create a certain amount of uneasiness and lack of control to the daily routine of "normal" life.
When stress is not managed well, it leaves your body open to disease and illness. Properly managing the stress of life (which happens every day to all of us) will help you achieve your wellness goals. See if the following tips will help you to better maintain a peaceful spirit during stressful times.
1. Spend time in relationship with God. He knows your struggles, fears, and needs. He understands your worries and concerns. He desires to walk through life with you and give you strength. Consider what He has in store for you or what He wants you to do for others. Seek out the lessons that He desires to teach you through your circumstances. Look for His mercy and strength to carry you. This is the foundational element in total wellness of heart, soul, mind, and strength.
2. Develop a social support system. God did not create you to live in a vacuum. He created us to need one another because we can't do everything. Enlist friends and family to help during stressful times. They can always support and lift you up in prayer.
3. Exercise. Regular exercise will remove the build up of the toxic effects from the stress and use the "stress hormones" in a positive way instead of a harmful way. Studies show that taking a brief 10 minute walk during intense times will increase the amount of oxygen to your brain, allowing you to think more clearly and therefore make better decisions.
4. Choose to eat nutritious food. Eat foods that contain healthful sources of nutrients, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. God designed these nutrients to help your body with energy needs and to build and repair damaged tissue. Without these, you leave your body lacking what it needs. So, grab that apple instead of the afternoon candy bar.
5. Maintain a healthy weight. Extra body weight can add to the extensive work load of your heart as it tries to supply blood through the 200 miles of blood vessels per pound of fat. Keeping your weight in a healthy range will enable your body to more effectively deal with stress. Weight is only one of the many health indicators that impact your stress management. See your doctor for a complete picture of your health and ask him/her what is a healthy weight for your age and body type.
6. Use your sense of humor. On the days when everything seems to be going backwards, choosing to laugh at the irony of your circumstances not only lifts your mood but also puts your situation into an eternal perspective. The Bible confirms this in Proverbs 17:22. "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones," (Holman Christian Standard Bible).
Stress is inevitable. How you respond to it will determine your growth. Take steps to manage stress as God would desire for you to.
The Gospel Of John
My favorite movie is "The Gospel Of John" taken straight from the entire book of John in the Bible. The movie shows Jesus from His baptism by John the Baptist to His ministry with His disciples, and finally His death and resurrection. The reason why I like this film adaptation of Jesus more than any other I've seen is simply because the movie was made so beautifully and stands out more than the others, in my opinion.
It doesn't happen to me a lot, but every now and again I will get thumped by someone who just completely doesn't get who I am and what's really in my heart. They might think that I'm "judgmental" (in a bad way) or that I condemn others (which is not the case at all). Accusations like this offend me as it would a lot of other people. I think to myself, "Have I done something wrong?" or "Are they this way simply because they don't understand what it means to be a Christian?" The thing is, I love God and He is #1 in my life. I believe in the Bible to be the Word of God and that it should be obeyed, God should be obeyed. If I do this then I will be different than most other people in the world. People will like my loving-kindness and honesty, but hate my refusal to participate in certain "normal" activities and be politically incorrect. This is a normal part of living a Christian life in today's society. The Bible says that to be a friend of the world (meaning "worldliness" as opposed to "godliness") is to be an enemy to God. Jesus said that we would face many trials, but to "take heart" because He has "overcome" the world. The Bible says that we have "overcome" the world through our faith in Him. So, I do understand why someone, a non-believer or "worldly Christian," could have issues with someone like me. And, hey, I wasn't always a Christian myself. But, I try to honestly look at myself when someone does have an issue with me. If I've done something wrong then I regret it and try to learn from that in order to correct myself. But, most of the time, I believe that is not the issue. The issue is that I am a Christian and they simply don't understand. So, as Jesus said, "take heart" because you can't go wrong with God.
The Meaning Behind Easter
When I was a kid, for Easter, we would get eggs and color them. We would eat chocolate bunnies or caramel eggs. Sometimes there would be "egg hunts." I don't remember thinking much about the meaning behind Easter. It's not until the past few years, since I've given my life to Christ, that I can truly appreciate the meaning. Christmas is about the birth of Jesus. Easter is about the death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus, as God, came to earth in the form of a human being - like the rest of us, only perfect. He died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead triumphant, so that whoever would believe in Him as their Lord and Savior would be forgiven of all their sins and put into a right relationship with God - therefore being saved. As the Bible says in John 3:16: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him should not perish (literally meaning hell) but have everlasting life." I love God so much that He would do this for us. There is nothing more loving and sacrificial than laying your life down for someone you love, and that is what happened.
My First Blog Post (from April 6, 2007)
My Blog & Its Purpose
Hi, this is my new blog website called "Jesus Is Lord Forever." Here, I'll be posting on various topics and will include some of my own compositions. Thanks and God bless. Jesus loves you and so do I.
I want people to come to the love and grace of the LORD Jesus, God's Son. I want people to understand who He really is and why they desperately need Him and, whether they know it or not, want Him. The purpose of this blog is to spread the love and message of Jesus, which is God's Word. I am interested in posting about different topics with a Christian worldview. I must come out and say that I am not perfect and I don't know everything. Many of the things that I will post are simply my own opinions and they might not be correct, as I am still learning and growing in my faith and love in Jesus. I don't understand everything. Some things I do, but other things I don't. Sometimes I think I'm right and later I think that I might be wrong about something. That's I why I needed to say that. There is only one thing that is certain and that is God and His Word. Many believers around the world, and actually non-believers as well, have their own interpretations and teachings of God's Word. This is why people must rely on God for the correct interpretation. If you don't have the Holy Spirit (which is what you receive when you become re-born through the Spirit Of Jesus) then you are going to have a very hard time understanding His Word, even if it doesn't seem like you're having a hard time understanding it. Even when one does have the Holy Spirit, it can still be very difficult at times. That is why one must be careful when interpreting it. We must rely on God and His Holy Spirit. Discern for yourself whether or not I am writing the Truth to you. Compare what I write to God's Word. Pray to God and meditate on it. I already know that some of what I say might not be correct. I hope it's not, but like I said, I know that I'm not perfect and I don't know everything.
Hi, this is my new blog website called "Jesus Is Lord Forever." Here, I'll be posting on various topics and will include some of my own compositions. Thanks and God bless. Jesus loves you and so do I.
I want people to come to the love and grace of the LORD Jesus, God's Son. I want people to understand who He really is and why they desperately need Him and, whether they know it or not, want Him. The purpose of this blog is to spread the love and message of Jesus, which is God's Word. I am interested in posting about different topics with a Christian worldview. I must come out and say that I am not perfect and I don't know everything. Many of the things that I will post are simply my own opinions and they might not be correct, as I am still learning and growing in my faith and love in Jesus. I don't understand everything. Some things I do, but other things I don't. Sometimes I think I'm right and later I think that I might be wrong about something. That's I why I needed to say that. There is only one thing that is certain and that is God and His Word. Many believers around the world, and actually non-believers as well, have their own interpretations and teachings of God's Word. This is why people must rely on God for the correct interpretation. If you don't have the Holy Spirit (which is what you receive when you become re-born through the Spirit Of Jesus) then you are going to have a very hard time understanding His Word, even if it doesn't seem like you're having a hard time understanding it. Even when one does have the Holy Spirit, it can still be very difficult at times. That is why one must be careful when interpreting it. We must rely on God and His Holy Spirit. Discern for yourself whether or not I am writing the Truth to you. Compare what I write to God's Word. Pray to God and meditate on it. I already know that some of what I say might not be correct. I hope it's not, but like I said, I know that I'm not perfect and I don't know everything.
Canvas Christian T-Shirts
What is Canvas Tees?
Canvas is a community voting website that allows you to express yourself and glorify God through your art. The community will vote on t-shirt designs submitted by C28 Canvas members. The winning designs will be printed under the C28 Canvas Label in a limited run to be sold exclusively through C28.com. www.canvasthreads.com
Here are some designs that I especially like:
X-Ray Vision
Beautiful Feet
God's Playlist
Canvas is a community voting website that allows you to express yourself and glorify God through your art. The community will vote on t-shirt designs submitted by C28 Canvas members. The winning designs will be printed under the C28 Canvas Label in a limited run to be sold exclusively through C28.com. www.canvasthreads.com
Here are some designs that I especially like:
X-Ray Vision



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