
God's Persistence Makes Us Perfect

February 2012
by John Paul Jackson

Someone recently asked me if God “passes over” those who have made mistakes in the area of destiny. Have they blown it forever, or will He keep unfolding their callings until they are ready for them?

My heart is moved whenever I hear someone ask a question like that.The short answer is that the gifts and callings of God are “without repentance” (Romans 11:29), which means that He won’t take them back. This refusal to remove them is not based on how we perform with our gifts and callings; it is based on what He has chosen to do.

Philippians 1:6 tells us that He will be faithful to perfect that which He began in us. In other words, He will take us from imperfection to perfection. Messing up is an imperfection, but it does not deter His process. If we call on Him, He will get us onto the road of His purposes.

Whatever Is True

On this road to destiny, the highest mountain you will have to conquer is found in your own mind. That is why the Bible tells us to think about things that are pure, true, noble, just — good things (Philippians 4:8). As we do that, our minds will be filled with Kingdom issues. We will have Kingdom thoughts and will take Kingdom actions.

As our Kingdom thoughts become deeply embedded in our spirits, we will begin to form Kingdom habits: automatic reactions that are godly and righteous. For example, we know we are loved, and we don’t have to sit there and wonder if, this time, we have messed up beyond repair. We know we are loved now, and we will be loved tomorrow as well.

Extraordinary leaders in the Kingdom have extraordinary determination to focus on God — they choose to focus on Him no matter what their hearts say, no matter what guilt and fear say. With destiny and every other issue in life, we let His thoughts and His opinions of us become our thoughts and our opinions of ourselves. The more we do this, the easier it becomes to do it naturally.

How Should You Move Forward?

If you are struggling with worry and fear concerning your destiny, here is what I recommend. First and foremost, let God decide how and when He is going to make your destiny happen. Leave it in His hands.

Next, value your personal relationship with God above the destiny you have been called to. Value your relationship with Him more than your desire for success or public ministry.

Then anytime you are tempted to think, God will never use me again, go to Scripture and try to find an example of that. I don’t think you’ll be able to find one. God is an incredible God of second chances. Take a look at David, Jonah, Peter, Jacob and Paul. These men were far from perfect, yet God used them to change the world. He persisted with them, despite their shortcomings and even their out-and-out failures. Meditate on what God did for them because He is going to do the same thing for you.

God wants us to come to Him and rest. His yoke is “easy” and His burden is “light” (Matthew 11:30). Whenever we begin to feel weighed down by guilt or shame, we need to turn our eyes away from our shortcomings and focus on our Father instead.

"My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." — James 1:2–4


© 2011 Streams Ministries International

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