
'52 Things Wives Need from Their Husbands' by Jay Payleitner

"Nobody knows your wife like you do. You're the guy who can make her day or break her heart. The choice is yours."

If you feel your husband technique could use a refresher course, Jay Payleitner's 52 Things Wives Need from Their Husbands, offers a lot of man-friendly advice such as "Kiss her in the kitchen," "Surprise her with sparkly gifts," and "Stay married." From newlyweds to empty-nesters, putting into action the information you find here is a godly start to winning your wife's heart.

Many wives long to have their husbands choose them all over again. To be their knight in shining armor. Their leader. Their listener. Their lover.

In 52 Things Wives Need from Their Husbands, Jay Payleitner, veteran radio producer and author of 52 Things Kids Need from a Dad, offers a bounty of welcome advice, such as

“Stir her pots”
“Buy sparkly gifts”
“Be the handyman”
“Stay married”
“Kiss her in the kitchen”
“Leave your mommy”
“Put her second”

A great gift or men’s group resource, 52 Things Wives Need from Their Husbands provides a full year’s worth of advice. And no chapter will make husbands feel guilty or criticize them for acting like men!

For the husband who wants to live God’s plan for his marriage, this book will put him on the right track.

To purchase '52 Things..' at Christianbook.com, visit: http://www.christianbook.com/things-wives-need-from-their-husbands/jay-payleitner/9780736944717/pd/944717?item_code=WW&netp_id=932422&event=ESRCN&view=details

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