
Chasing The Wind

Nothing can be more uncongenial with the peace of God and tranquility of soul--than the busy, hurrying, self-seeking spirit of earthly excitements; such as the slavish toil of business, the ardent fever of covetousness, the madness of ambition, and the foolery of fashionable amusements, which has at length descended to the toys of buffoons. ~ James W. Alexander

Like crazy people, we immaturely run around until we are old, chasing after money, power, affection, and pleasure. And while these things are sometimes given as gifts from God's good hands, I've found that trying to chase them down and capture them (as prized game to hang on a shelf) is a silly thing to do. Many men learn this hard lesson on their deathbed, when money can no longer help them, and all their worldly accomplishments and accouterments no longer serve them. When death looms large, nothing else matters except what really matters-- LIFE. "He who dies with the most toys...dies" is a good bumper sticker. I'm asking God to give me wisdom to know how to spend my remaining days working hard, fighting sloth and indifference, building some things, burning others, and enjoying life...all for the greater cause of expanding His kingdom. I want to find a way to turn the "toys of buffoons" into "tools for the King." ~ Kirk Cameron

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